Page 33 of Hunter

They weren’t quiet about wanting to shut down the King’s Men, but when it came to questions about the fucking Mansen Brothers, suddenly, those two fuckers ain’t got nothing to say about it.

And I got a fucking bone to pick with ‘em.

I got jumped my first week serving in the yards by the pieces of fucking shits hired by the twins. Had I not been better than those fuckers, Micah would have had to bury his little brother, and Dominic would have been looking for a new VP.

And now the Mansen brothers had gone into hiding when I got out.

My fists clenched by my side.

The move didn’t go unnoticed by Micah. He clasped my shoulder. “We’ll fucking find them. I promise you.”

I could only nod.

Dominic grunted in agreement and brought my attention back to him when he said, “Let’s get a move on. The drugs move by midnight.”

I nodded.

I wouldn’t be the one transporting the drugs myself, but I would be here to coordinate.

And once this deal was done, I wouldn’t have any club business to attend to. Instead, I would have all the time to indulge in my obsession.

A perfect time, too, considering there wasn’t a fucking minute that had gone by that I didn’t think about her.

She even haunted me in my dreams.

And none of the brothers knew of my newest obsession. If they did, Dominic would have ordered to lock me up and sic Micah on her.

The thought of anyone harming her made me want to burn down the entire world.

I wondered just how far gone I really was.



She didn’t do muchfor the entire semester.

I didn’t even think she had any friends. It wasn’t like she didn’t want friends or thought she was too good on her own.

I thought it was more about the fact that she didn’t know how to make friends.

Didn’t know how to connect to people.

I shouldn’t pity the girl.

I shouldn’t have had this urge to fix everything for her, but I did.

So fucking bad. I was a hairline trigger away from asking Kai to be her friend.

Probably wouldn’t have been such a good idea.

She might not have recognized me on sight, but I had no doubt she still remembered it was the VP of the King’s Men MC that she sent to jail. The club that Kai was set to inherit from his old man one day.

She wouldn’t want to be friends with Kai, no matter how badly she might need one.

A silly voice in my head whispered thatIcould be her friend.

I could laugh over that.