“If that’s what it takes to jar you away from feeling that you need to apologize for existing. You are important. You are precious. You are worthy of a positive life.”

“No one has ever… No one has had that much confidence in me. Maybe you’re wrong. Maybe I’m not the person you think I am.”

“I have looked for someone special for a very long time. The Daddy inside me knew that he would recognize his Little girl when she appeared.”

“You’re a Daddy?” she asked in disbelief before biting her lip when she realized what she had revealed.

Dirk leaned forward to kiss her once again. His tongue smoothed over her trapped lip, silently urging her to allow him entrance again. Instantly, she yielded to him, allowing his kisses to whisk her away from her troubled thoughts. Her fantasies of having someone cherish and take care of her seemed to be coming to life.

With visible reluctance, he dragged himself away from her. “I’m not only a Daddy. I believe I’m your Daddy. Can you feel that inside as well?”

Cynthia nodded, her head moving a small amount up and down as she struggled to process all that was happening. She’d sensed something special about him from that first moment when he’d saved her from the rain and welcomed her into his home. It wasn’t gratitude or a glimmer of hope for the future. It was as if he were her haven. Being near him made her feel alive.

If only.

She shook her head to rid herself of negative thoughts for the future. Whatever happened, she wanted to memorize this moment.

“That’s my girl. Come on, Cindy girl. Let me feed you and we’ll get this process started so we can finish it and explore what the future holds for us.”

“I like that idea.”

“I do, too, Little girl.”


Dirk sat next to her in a suit Cynthia was sure cost more money than she made in several months at Edgewater Industries. His demeanor had shifted into lawyer mode as he walked her up the steps into the police department. As she listened to him talk, Cynthia was glad to have him on her side.

He'd stayed with her for hours until the federal investigators finally appeared. Even now, as the questioning seemed to be coming to an end, Cynthia didn’t sense any impatience or rush to leave her. She’d used his calming breath practice several times during the interview process, when everything seemed overwhelming. The pride in his eyes as she responded as they’d practiced this morning made her heart happy.

“Okay, Miss Grant. I think we have all the information now. We’ll continue our investigation and schedule a time with the judge for you to enter a plea. Until then, you will remain in jail as a flight risk,” the agent informed her.

“Miss Grant is not a flight risk. She became spooked when the program she was blackmailed into loading exploded into a much more serious bug than she had been promised. Even then, she remained in the area as she struggled to know what to do.”

“People who aren’t guilty turn themselves in immediately. They don’t disappear.” The agent dismissed Dirk’s assurance.

He held up his hand when Dirk opened his mouth to speak again. “Nevertheless, it’s not my call, as you know. The judge will make those decisions when he hears the plea Miss Grant enters, as well as the details of the case. There is a backlog of federal cases. It may be a couple of weeks before someone can address this case.”

“Mr. Edgewater does not wish to prosecute,” Dirk reminded the investigator.

“Cyberattacks are handled at the federal level whether the company who incurred the attempted takeover wishes to pursue charges or not. Are you representing Edgewater Industries in this case as well?” the agent asked, one eyebrow raised in disbelief.

“No. Here is the card of the legal counsel for Edgewater Industries who will handle any questions or requests from the company.” Dirk pulled a crisp business card from his portfolio. The woman named on the card was his second-in-command. He’d already given her a heads-up last night after tucking Cynthia into bed for the first time.

“Thank you. I’ll let the detective here know that he can escort Miss Grant to a cell now.”

“I would appreciate if you would request Miss Grant be placed with nonviolent offenders,” Dirk stated.

“I’m sure that’s up to space availability, but I can make that suggestion.”

As the door closed behind the federal agent as he left, Cynthia turned to Dirk. “Are they going to put me in with murderers?”

“An official request from the investigator will help ensure that you are placed in a safer holding cell. Remember to breatheand do your best to avoid any trouble. We want you to be viewed as a model inmate. I’ll come see you during visiting hours.”

“And take care of Bullyboo?”

“He’ll sit on my dresser until you can hug him in person.”

“Thank you for everything,” she whispered as the door opened and an officer walked in to take her from the interrogation room.