“Yes, sweetheart. I promised to watch over him until you’re back. Where would you like to put him? Here in the guestroom?”

“No… Can I put him somewhere in your room? I’d like him to see people as much as possible. He’ll get lonely if he’s here in theguestroom,” Cynthia pointed out. “You know… If no visitors are allowed.”

“I’m sure you’ll find a pleasant spot for him. We’ll go look after breakfast. Right now, I want you to take a deep breath.”

Cynthia gulped in a huge inhale and held it until the edges of her vision wavered. Letting it out in a shaky gust, she waited to see why this dynamic man had asked her to do this.

“Let’s try that again. Breathe in with me.” Dirk inhaled slowly and held his breath for a second before exhaling gradually. “Again.”

Cynthia followed his pattern. She could feel her body relaxing and the panic ebbing.

“Good girl. That’s what I want you to do when you get scared.”

“Breathe?” she questioned, feeling that it was obvious that she’d need oxygen.

“Yes, but breathe in that specific pattern. Try it again. This time, count with me in your mind to five, pause for a second or two, and exhale as you count again to five. Don’t rush. The key is taking your time. Let’s try it.”

“One, two, three, four, five. Hold—one, two. Exhale, one, two, three. Again.” Dirk led her through the pattern several times before smiling at her. “That’s it. The police or federal investigators will try to rattle you—to make you admit to something that they want you to say. If you get scared or confused, stop and breathe before you answer. You have to believe that you aren’t a bad person.”

“What if I am?” she whispered, feeling tears gathering.

“Have you ever deliberately done anything to hurt someone?”

Cynthia shook her head slowly.

“How did you feel about working at Edgewater Industries?” he probed.

“It was the best job ever. I loved creating dishes to fuel everyone. The campus felt like home.”

“Happy people don’t set out to destroy the environment that makes them content. Some exterior force causes them to act against everything they cherish.”

Cynthia nodded. She could have seen herself working for Edgewater Industries forever. Bullyboo had liked it there, too.

Startled, she looked up at him as he wiped the tears from her cheeks with a gentle swipe of his thumb. Cynthia hadn’t realized she was crying until she felt his touch. “Sorry,” she whispered.

“You’re allowed to be sad, sweetheart. What I won’t allow you to do is give up hope. We’re going to fight any charges that are leveled against you.”

“Okay. I’ll do my best to stay positive. Thanks for being in my corner.”

“I’ll be in your corner no matter what until your case is settled. Our personal relationship won’t affect whether or not I represent you.”

“Do we have a relationship?” she whispered.


With that simple answer, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her across the soft sheets until they snuggled together. She watched as he lowered his lips to hers. When his mouth touched hers, Cynthia closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck. This charismatic man drew her as no one ever had. She’d escaped from life with Alicia to endure matrimony with her ex. Dirk offered her more.

His mouth moved across hers, tasting and tempting Cynthia. She responded eagerly. He tasted amazing. So much better than her ex-husband’s boozy flavor after drinking steadily each night. There was something in the way Dirk approached her. He controlled the kiss, wooing and tantalizing her until she clungto his broad shoulders. The kisses focused on her, not on his pleasure.

A soft groan of desire escaped his lips, revealing his arousal. Cynthia hadn’t ever felt like the center of anyone’s universe. Basking in his attention, she stroked her hands over his bare skin. His incredible physique drew her to explore and boggled her mind that he could be interested in her.Plain Jane.

“Stop it,” he growled. “Do not bring anyone into our bed.”


“That’s the fifth time you’ve apologized to me. On the sixth, I will spank you.”

“Spank me?” she whispered in disbelief.