I shrug my shirt on as I walk into the kitchen and come to a startling stop as I find the place immaculate.

What the actual fuck?

I look around to find my house clean of beer bottles, no unconscious bodies sprawled throughout the living room, and nothing sticky lining the floor. All the furniture is back in place and a few of my teammates are hanging out by the pool, as though there wasn’t just a raging party in this very house.

What the hell? How long was I in the shower?

I glance up at the clock to find the time. 10:23 a.m. Hmm.

I head over to the back door and slide it open. “Hey,” I call out to the guys. “What happened to the mess?”

Tank looks up at me with a knowing smirk, something sparkling in his eyes. “I’ll give you one guess.”

No. No fucking way. I narrow my eyes at him, but all he does is smirk again.

“Good morning,” the sexiest voice chimes from behind me.

Spinning around, I grab Dani and press her up against the wall beside the door, briefly noticing that she’s still wearing my shirt. “You’re too fucking good for me,” I tell her, leaning in and breathing in her scent, my morning activities doing nothing to stop the monster hardening in my pants.

Her eyes glisten with satisfaction, more than happy to be in my arms. “I figured I owed you after you looked out for me last night,” she explains, sliding her hands up my shirt and resting them against my chest, the feel of her hands on my body making me so desperate for more.

“You know, there are other ways you could have paid me back,” I say with a wicked grin, knowing exactly how she’s going to react.

“Oh, I know, but I figured I’d save that for when you really deserve it,” she explains without missing a beat. Fuck, this woman is driving me crazy in the best possible way.

“Go out with me?” I ask.


“Just one date,” I tell her. She shakes her head. “You’re going to break one day, and when you do, it’s going to be amazing.”

Her smile lights up the room, and I lean in to give her a light kiss on the lips, knowing there’s no way I’d get away with anything more this morning.

Knowing she needs her space, I step back from her and head into the kitchen. Dani remains right on the wall as she watches my movements. “Oh, hey,” I say, making sure I have her undivided attention. She raises an eyebrow in question, and I pull her thong out of my pocket before swirling it around my finger like a lasso. “I think you left something in my bathroom.”

Her face drops as her eyes bug out of her head, and one teasing smirk from me has her diving toward the kitchen. I shoot out of her reach and up the stairs with her following closely on my heels.

“Give it back,” she demands.

“No way. Finders keepers,” I sing, bolting down the hallway with her thong high above my head.

“What are you? Twelve?”

I push through the door at the end of the hallway and dive into my spare bedroom before coming to a screeching halt. Dani slams into my back as she dives in after me, and I quickly catch her before she stumbles back.

She looks around, takes in the room, and gasps at the three naked bodies in the bed.

“What the fuck, man?” I ask Jaxon, who’s lying butt naked in the middle of two brunettes with his dick out for the world to see.

The girls startle at their sudden audience and immediately sit up. “Woah,” Dani says, wide-eyed. “See the rack on that one?” she whispers, indicating the girl on the right.

“Yep. I see it.”

“You need to burn this bed,” she says, still in shock.

“You got that right, baby.”

The girls go about getting dressed as Jaxon remains fast asleep. I turn and leave, heading into my room with Dani right behind me. I grab the glass off my bedside table and walk into my bathroom to fill it with cold water. Walking back down to the spare bedroom, I go to pour it over Jaxon when Dani stops me. “Can I do it?” she asks with excitement in her eyes.