God, how do I say no to that?

I hold out the glass for her and step back to give her room. I place my hands on her waist and watch as she takes absolute pleasure in tipping the water over Jaxon’s face.

He gasps and shoots up out of bed with his dick windmilling around. Dani looks away but can’t help laughing. “What the hell?” Jaxon grunts in shock.

“Get some clothes on and get out of here,” I tell him.

He looks down to realize he’s naked in front of Dani and does his best to cover himself up, but it’s too late. We’ve already seen every angle he has to offer. We leave Jaxon to it and head back down the hallway. “So . . . Can I have my underwear back now?” she asks sweetly in an attempt to catch me off guard.

I scoff at her question, not falling for that innocent act. “Nope. It’s mine.”

“Damn,” she says with a sigh. “That was my favorite pair.”

“They’re my favorite now.”

“Hey,Coach,”Isay,stepping into his office on Monday afternoon before training.

“Cain,” he says. “Take a seat.”

I sit down awkwardly, unsure why he’s called me into his office. I mean, I haven’t fucked up yet, so it can’t be anything bad. Well, at least, I don’t think I have.

“What’s up?” I ask, getting straight to business.

“Just checking in. We’re kicking off the season next week, and I need to know that you’re ready. You’ve got a lot riding on this.”

“Yeah, boss. I’m good,” I tell him with confidence.

“That’s what I want to hear,” he says gruffly, leaning back in his chair. “I want you putting in more hours at the gym, specifically on your fitness. I don’t want anything holding you back. I know you’re already putting in extra hours on the ice, but I want you to push yourself harder, give me more. You’ve got a real shot at the NHL if you keep your head in the game,” he explains.

“No problem,” I say, mentally working out how on earth I’m going to squeeze in another few gym sessions on top of my current training schedule. But hell, if it means raising my shot at making the NHL, I’ll make it happen.

“I’ve already heard your name whispered as one to look out for in the up-and-comers,” he says, fixing me with a stare that tells me to keep my shit together.

“Fuck. Really?” I ask, wide-eyed.

He nods his head in confirmation. “I don’t want any distractions. I’ve seen the way you’ve been staring at that PR girl. Don’t let that mess with your head. You need to keep focused.”

“I’m focused, Coach,” I tell him. If anything, Dani is going to push me harder, just so I can get the chance to impress her.

“Good,” he says, rising out of his chair to indicate the meeting is over. “Listen, add Tank to those extra gym sessions. His name was whispered right alongside yours. Apparently, you guys are some kind ofdream team,” he scoffs with an eye roll.

I get up from the chair and smirk at Coach Harris. “You bet your ass we are.”

He laughs and shakes his head in exasperation. “Go suit up. Training starts in twenty minutes.”

“On it, Coach,” I say with a salute. I make my way out, closing his door behind me before heading down to the locker room.

I find Tank changing into his training gear and make my way over to my locker beside his. “Where ya been?” he asks, taking a seat to tie his skates.

“Had a meeting with Coach. He wants us to step it up a bit. Add a few more gym sessions to help secure a contract.”

“Shit,” he groans. “This season’s going to kill us.”

“Yeah, but it will be worth it when you sign on that dotted line,” I remind him.

“Fuck, yeah it will,” he grunts.

I pull my jersey over my head and take a seat beside him. “You know, they’re calling us the Dream Team?” I tell him as I grab my skates from my bag, checking the blade covers are securely attached before I put them on.