
Whyhasn’tshecalledme yet? This is getting ridiculous, and it’s definitely not how this game is played. I give a girl my number, she calls me. Simple. But I haven’t heard a peep from this chick, and it’s killing me. Miller Cain does not get rejected. It’s just a fact. She hasn’t even sent a text telling me to fuck off. I can work with that, but what I can’t work with is radio silence.

It’s been a few days since Dani first graced me with her presence, and so far, the girls have come to a few of our training sessions. I must admit, I’m enjoying their audience, and I know the rest of the guys are too. They’ve been killing it during practice, giving one hundred and ten percent, and I know for a fact that’s not because they’re listening to Coach’s demands.

The girls have been keeping to themselves, sitting up in the grandstand, taking photos, and scribbling notes before packing up and heading out. They asked Johnny for an interview for their “Hockey Hottie of the week” bio, and man, I have never seen a kid look so stoked about chatting with a bunch of girls. They really must have worked their magic on him.

I know I’ve got Dani’s attention, but whenever I glance her way, she makes a show of being busy, searching through her bag, or taking another picture. I don’t get it. She didn’t strike me as shy that first day, so there must be another reason she’s avoiding me, and I don’t doubt that I will figure it out.

I sit with Tank as our business professor wraps up his lecture. I grab my bag from the floor and begin to stuff my pens and notepad inside. “What’s the plan for tonight?” Tank asks, getting up from his seat and trailing toward the exit.

“Don’t know,” I say, following him out of the room. “Maybe a few drinks at Micky’s. I was planning on hitting up the gym early in the morning,” I add, thinking a quiet drink at our local bar would probably be the best idea.

“Cool. I might hit the gym with you.”

My brows furrow as I glance at my best friend. “The fuck? You never go to the gym on a Saturday. What’s the deal? No date tonight?”

He shrugs a shoulder. “Nah, man. Not tonight.”

We walk out of the building and across campus in search of some lunch, when a head of thick golden hair darts into a café, and something stirs within me. “Let’s go in here,” I tell Tank, turning into the café without a backward glance.

Tank grunts in disapproval behind me. I know he hates this café after he spent four days hunched over the toilet when he ate one of their chicken sandwiches last year, but fuck him. I’m not letting this opportunity go to waste.

We enter the café, and I watch as Dani gives her order and then steps off to the side to wait. I make my way up to the counter and order a coffee and a salad, hoping that shit won’t make me sick. I pay my bill while I watch her out of the corner of my eye and notice the exact moment she realizes I’m here. She gasps and quickly turns away, making a show of studying the artwork on the wall, as if she hasn’t seen me.

I laugh as I make my way over and notice how her jeans are perfectly plastered to her firm ass. I come right up behind her, close enough that she can feel the heat from my body, and gently place my hands on her hips. I slide them up under her shirt, letting them rest against her toned waist. Giving a little squeeze, I watch as a shiver takes over her body, leaving goosebumps across her creamy skin. God, I’ve been needing to touch her, to feel her smooth skin under my fingers.

I gently pull her into me and whisper in her ear. “You never called.”

Dani takes a slow deliberate breath as a satisfied smile rips across my face. Yeah, she wants me. “I lost your number.”

Nah, there’s no way. I made sure that number wasn’t coming off. Hell, I used a permanent marker just to be sure.

Reaching around her sexy body, I take her hand in mine, holding it out while I use my other hand to slide her sleeve up to her elbow. “You’re a liar,” I tell her, as I see a slightly faded version of my number, still clear as day.

“Oh, I didn’t see that there,” she smiles, knocking me right off my feet with her beauty.

I tug her sleeve back down into place and turn her in my arms. She looks up at me, her green eyes confused and unsure. Dani lowers her gaze to my lips and then darts it straight back up to my eyes.

I grin, knowing I have an effect on her, and lower my face, stopping an inch from her lips, an open invitation if she wants it. All she has to do is take it. She catches her breath, “Come to my place tonight. We’re having a party.”

She bites her bottom lip and gently shakes her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she tells me.

“Baby, it’s the best idea. Besides, the whole team will be there. It would be good for your assignment if you knew us all on a more . . . personal level.”

Dani cringes as she realizes I’m right, and I know I’ve drawn her in. She gazes at my lips once more, and just as I’m sure she’s about to kiss me, the barista calls her name, making her jump in my arms. Damn it, what I wouldn’t do to feel her lips on mine.

She lets out a small huff. “Fine, we’ll be there,” she says, stepping out of my arms before turning her back on me, grabbing her coffee, and hastily making her way out the door. Probably in an attempt to avoid something she doesn’t want to do.

My coffee and salad come up next, and I grab them and turn to find Tank staring back at me, his brow arched and gaze full of suspicion. “What the fuck was that?”

I shrug my shoulders and pull my phone from my pocket to send a group text.

Miller - Party at my place. Get your asses there and help me clean up. Bring booze.

Tank pulls out his phone and reads over the message, shaking his head at the same time. “You’ve got it bad for this chick.”

“I don’t,” I tell him. “I just want to get her in bed.”