“Nah man, that’s bullshit,” he scoffs, not one to hold back when calling someone out on their shit. “I haven’t seen you try this hard for a woman’s attention since we were freshmen. You’ve had your eyes glued to the grandstand all week.”

“You’re one to talk. You haven’t even looked at another woman since you were with Sophie.”

He shrugs and continues forward. “She’s in my head,” he confesses.

“What do you meanshe’s in my head?You like this chick?”

He scoffs at my question but grows serious a moment later. “Yeah, I think I do,” he admits, sounding as though he can barely believe the very words coming out of his mouth. “I mean, don’t you ever think about having a serious girlfriend?”

“Girlfriend?” I ask in shock. “That’s not how we do things, bro,” I say, slapping him on the back. “We’re heading to the NHL. We don’t need chicks holding us back.”

He shakes his head at me once again. “I think you’re wrong. I think things are changing, and I think this thing with Dani is about more than just sex. You just haven’t realized it yet. As for me, I’m going after Sophie.”

“Alright man,” I laugh in shock. “Tonight’s your night then. Dani is bringing her along.”

He nods in understanding, and after finding something for Tank to eat, we walk the rest of the way back to my place in silence. I contemplate what Tank has just told me. More than just sex? There’s no way. I did the whole girlfriend thing, and to say that was a major fuck up would be an understatement. I don’t need that shit holding me back. Besides, I’m heading to the NHL. Who even knows where I’ll be next season.

When we get back to my place, we find a few of the boys already waiting for us, their arms overflowing with booze. “Alright, fuckers. We’ve got a few hours to make me not look like a lazy ass slob. Get to work.” I unlock the door and let everyone in. “Oh, and get the word out. This has got to be the best party this campus has ever seen.”

Isitoutbacksurrounded by my teammates as the party rages around me. Bodies fill every spare corner of my place, inside and out. Girls dance up on each other as the guys kick back with beers, watching the show. Empty red cups litter tabletops and benches as the music vibrates through the walls and into the ground.

Heading into the kitchen, I grab a few beers when a hand shoots out to my chest. “Hey, baby. Come and dance.”

I look up into the pleading eyes of Natasha Wilkins, the beautiful, leggy blonde that I may or may not have slept with in a moment of weakness. Though, I think it’s fair to say that every guy in the room has too. I shake her off and smirk as she pouts for my attention. “Sorry, babe. Not tonight.”

Sliding away, I make my way back outside and take a seat beside Tank, who’s trying to shoo away some chick from taking possession of his lap. He takes the beer I offer as he pretends to listen in on the guy’s conversation, but I recognize the look on his face. He couldn’t care less about what they have to say right now.

I sit across from Jaxon, a junior, and assuming he can get his shit together, he’ll be the guy most likely to take over as captain next year. He has a promising future ahead of him, but he needs to pull in the reins a little.

Jaxon’s eyes light up as he looks over mine and Tank’s shoulders, his intentions crystal clear. “Ah, there’s our girls,” he smiles before rising out of his chair. “Fuck, Dani is hot. I’m going to tap that tonight.”

Rage fills my veins and my fists clench beside me. This little prick better watch his next words. “Sit your ass down,” Tank tells him, noticing my fists.

Jaxon stops in his tracks and looks at Tank in confusion. “What’s the big deal? Those girls are too hot to pass up.”

Tank stands up and gets in his face. “I told you to sit the fuck down,” he growls with the type of authority that can’t be ignored. Jaxon’s face turns a sickly shade of white in response. “There are hundreds of chicks here more than willing to suck your dick. Go after them. Sophie and Dani are off limits,” he looks around at our rowdy group. “That goes for all of you.”

The boys nod in understanding, not one of them willing to go up against Tank, but Jaxon apparently still has a bit to learn. “Don’t be greedy, man. Aren’t you already messing around with Sophie? Share her around,” he smirks as he casually falls back into his chair.

“I don’t share. The girls are spoken for,” Tank says finishing the conversation.

Tank turns back to me with a knowing smirk on his lips. Yep, he just staked our claim. Well, sort of. But damn, it feels good to know that none of these idiots are going to try and mess things up for me. Dani is mine.

A few of the guys send me curious glances as they try to work out who has claimed Dani, but they’re not stupid. They all saw me get naked for her in the locker room. Hell, they’ve been giving me shit about it since it happened. But it was worth it to see the look on her face.

Tank and I hang back for a while, letting the girls get themselves a drink and look around. Dani can come to me tonight.

Twenty minutes later, Sophie makes her way into our circle. “Well, hello boys,” she purrs, making it clear that she’s a few drinks in already. A smirk comes over Tank’s face as she flops herself down onto his lap. His arm immediately circles her waist, and she relaxes into him, the two of them fitting together so perfectly.

“Sorry about her,” Dani says from above Tank’s shoulder. My eyes immediately take in her sexy curves covered in nothing but a little black dress. “She gets a little too relaxed when she’s drinking.” Dani’s eyes go around the circle and stop when they land on me. I can’t help but love the way shyness creeps into her gaze.

“No problem at all,” Tank murmurs as Sophie readjusts herself on his lap so she’s straddling him.

Dani scoffs at her friend’s performance. “So much for that,” she grumbles to herself.

“So much for what?” I ask, forcing her eyes in my direction once again.

She begins to fidget as she feels the force of my gaze on her but remains strong. “Before we got here, Sophie made a big declaration about no repeat performances,” she says, indicating her friend who currently has Tank’s tongue down her throat while she grinds on him.