Page 94 of Wyoming Homecoming

“She made me do it,” he blurted out. “That blonde woman. She made me testify that I’d seen Horace Whatley rob the bank. I never saw him there!”

“How did she make you do it?” he asked.

He swallowed, hard. “She slipped poison into my mother’s coffee at the local café,” he said huskily. “And told me she had an antidote that she’d give Mom if I agreed to do what she told me. Of course I agreed. I love my mom,” he said, averting his face. “She said she had more poison and next time there wouldn’t be an antidote if I tried to back out.”

“So you never saw Horace Whatley rob anyone?”

“No,” he said heavily, looking up at the sheriff. “Will I go to jail?”

“That’s not up to me. But you will have to come with me now,” he added. “Giving false testimony against an innocent person is a crime.”

“I figured that.” He stood up. “At least, I won’t have to worry about my mom anymore.”

He turned around so that Cody could cuff him. “Your mother should be safe. I’m going to ask for a high bond on our blonde so-called trooper, not to mention on Owens. Conspiracy to commit murder is a felony.”

“Yeah. I figured that. I hope they never get out of prison,” he added coldly. “I never put a foot wrong in my life,” he said. “I guess I’ll go up for conspiracy, too.”

“Get a good lawyer and plead coercion. You’ve never been convicted of a crime, Cappy,” Cody said quietly. “You’ll most likely get first offender status, regardless of the charges.”

His prisoner had a bad reputation in town for telling lies, but certainly he’d never tried to harm anyone. That would go in his favor. Cody put the younger man in the squad car and drove him to the detention center.

WHENTHEBLONDEwas arraigned, it came out that her legal name was Domenica Alvarez, of Manaus, Brazil. She was arrogant, denying any involvement and accusing the sheriff of everything from improper advances to false arrest.

The judge ignored her and continued to explain the charges. She pleaded not guilty and was taken back to her cell. As she passed Cody, she smiled coldly. “Look to your loved ones, Sheriff,” she said huskily. “It would be a shame if anything happened to them.”

He only smiled.

She averted her face and kept walking.

Jack Owens was a different story. He broke down and cried when he was read the list of charges. Cody felt sorry for him. He’d been hopelessly spoiled by his father, and now there was nobody to stand up with him.

Except there was. James Owens came up to the bench and took his place beside his nephew, who looked first surprised and then grateful. He was still crying. James commented that he’d act as his nephew’s attorney for trial. The judge nodded and then smiled sadly. James Owens had never done anything illegal in his life. But his nephew had brought shame onto his family name. In spite of that, blood was blood. Jack was the only relative he had left.

He spoke to Cody after his nephew left the courtroom in custody. “I know it’s going to be a rough trial, and I’m certain that he’ll have to serve time. But I can’t desert him. He’s the only family I have left.”

Cody patted him on the shoulder. “I know. Family is family. We do what we have to, to keep going.”

James cocked his head. “What about you and Abby?” he asked.

Cody chuckled. “If I eat enough crow, I might get invited back over there.”

“Just don’t turn your back, and watch your surroundings. That Alvarez woman is dangerous. I don’t think you have all her accomplices in custody. There was a bank robbery that I’m certain Horace Whatley didn’t commit.”

“I know that. I have video evidence from the eyewitness that he didn’t see Horace rob anyone. He was threatened by the Alvarez woman. She poisoned his mother.”

James whistled. “Will they testify?”

“He will. I’ll have to talk to his mother. But the Denver charges are the major ones. That’s felony murder. This is conspiracy to commit murder.”

“I get the picture. You’d rather she faced federal charges in Denver?”

Cody nodded, his face grim. “I want her out of town before she starts looking for ways to revenge herself on me.”

“Make sure Abby’s men know to watch out for her,” James suggested.

Cody smiled. “I’m two steps ahead of you. And I let Lassiter out of jail yesterday. He’s sleeping in Abby’s bunkhouse,” he added in a whisper.

James chuckled. “You’d better watch that young man around Abby. He’s considered something of a catch by the women in my office.”