Page 95 of Wyoming Homecoming

“I noticed. But I’ve got the inside track there,” he added smugly and laughed.

James just smiled.

ABBYWASALLthumbs as she put supper on the table. Lassiter had been invited, along with his shadowy friend and Cody Banks.

Hannah saw her nervousness and wondered if it was Lassiter who was causing it. Then she saw the looks that Abby was exchanging with Cody and grinned to herself.

“That looks good,” Cody said. “I love beef stew.”

“Me, too,” Lassiter agreed.

“You don’t mind that I brought Alexander with me?” Cody asked, indicating the sweet old malamute who was sharing the fireplace in the living room with Lucy’s husky, Snow.

“Not at all. He’s so sweet,” Abby replied with a smile.

“Snow likes him,” Lucy piped in, grinning at Cody.

“I think she does, Lucy,” Cody told her.

“You didn’t call Bart back about that dance, Abby,” Hannah reminded her suddenly.

Cody’s eyes glittered. Abby saw that and felt her heart lift. “Yes, I did,” she replied without looking at Hannah. “I said no.”

Cody relaxed. He smiled slowly, his eyes holding Abby’s for so long that she felt as if she was floating.

“Abby, the rolls?” Hannah prompted.

Abby shook herself mentally. “Rolls. Right. Coming up.”

She went back into the kitchen, flushed and all thumbs. But she was smiling.

DINNERWASFUN.Lassiter was recounting past cases that had ironic twists. Cody countered with similar cases he’d worked on. The stranger, Lassiter’s friend, said little. He cleaned his plate, sipped coffee, thanked Abby quietly, and went out the back door.

“He doesn’t talk much, your friend,” Abby said to Lassiter.

“He’s a man of few words,” Lassiter agreed. “But he’s very good at his job.”

“He had a pistol in a holster under his flannel shirt,” Hannah noted.

“He has a concealed carry permit. Don’t worry,” Lassiter added. “He won’t fire unless he’s fired on.”

“I don’t like guns. Sorry,” Hannah apologized.

“No problem.” He smiled at her.

“Abby doesn’t mind them,” Cody said, his eyes meeting Abby’s.

“No, I don’t,” she replied with a long, happy sigh.

“Good thing,” Lassiter said.

Cody nodded.

“WHENAREYOUgoing deer hunting, Cody?” Hannah asked as they finished the meal and were working through second cups of coffee.

He frowned. “Why do you ask?”

“Venison stew,” she said, licking her lips.