Page 89 of Wyoming Homecoming

“Umhmm,” he whispered, and brushed his lips with maddening patience over hers.

“ you think you could have another weak moment? If I asked,” she whispered back.

She saw the faint smile before he curled her close and kissed her into a breathless, wondrous silence. It was a feast after starvation, a drink after hours in the desert. Abby had never known such utter delight. And if the long, insistent kisses she was getting were any indication, Cody was feeling something similar.

It wasn’t until his phone started ringing that he managed to lift his mouth away from hers.

He let her go with obvious reluctance and dug for the phone on his duty belt. “Sheriff Banks,” he said curtly.

“And where are you, Sheriff?” a sensuous voice drawled. “Your jailer gave me your number. I came over for coffee and advice. Are you available?”

“I’ll be there in about ten minutes,” he said and hung up.

Abby was still gaping at him. The unexpected interlude had knocked all casual conversation right out of her.

“I have to get back to the office,” he said. He sounded as breathless as Abby felt.

“Of course,” she replied.

His dark eyes slid over her, seeing all the little signs that she might not even know gave her hunger for him away. He saw many. A slow, sensuous smile bloomed on his hard, swollen mouth.

“We might go skating one weekend at the local rink. Lucy likes that, doesn’t she?”

She nodded.

“I’m sorry,” he said softly. “I’ve been so wrapped up in myself and my problems that I haven’t wanted people around. Even people I care about.”

She shifted in the seat. “Of course. You’ve got a murder investigation going.”

“It has tentacles everywhere,” he said, cranking the car as they both put their seat belts back on. “I have suspects living right here in Catelow who may face charges in Denver and even Florida.”

“Wow,” she said softly.

He glanced at her just before he pulled out into traffic. “You may see and hear things that give you a wrong impression of what I’m actually doing. Try not to prejudge. I’m between a rock and a hard place, trying to put all the pieces together.”

She just nodded. “Okay.”

“And you may have some extra company on the ranch. Lassiter has a friend who’s between jobs. He’s asked him to come up here and help out. He’s a professional.”

She was studying him hungrily, adoring the hard lines of his handsome face. “A professional what?” she asked suddenly.

He grinned. “I don’t know. But he’ll keep my three girls safe.”

“From what?” she wanted to know.

He stopped in the parking lot at her office, cut the engine, and turned to her. “When I start making arrests, and that’s going to happen pretty soon, you and Lucy and Hannah may be right on the firing line with me, not to mention my dog.” His face was grim. “One of the suspects has a reputation for seeking vengeance on the softest targets.” His eyes met hers. “Nobody’s hurting my girls.”

As he said it, he tugged her face under his and kissed her slowly, with a tenderness that was breathtaking. “And no more Sunday rides with Lassiter, got that?” he whispered against her mouth.

She was struggling to breathe. “Well, what about you and that pretty little blonde?” she blurted out and then flushed.

His eyes looked deep into hers. “I was married for two years. I never cheated on my wife. For six years I’ve been mourning her. Just a few weeks ago, I discovered that my marriage was a lie. I’m still dealing with that. But I will deal with it,” he added solemnly. “I just need a little time. You have to trust me. Things are in motion that are going to look bad to you. I can’t tell you what’s going on. You have to balance what I’m telling you with what I may have to do in the line of duty while I’m getting evidence.”

She thought she understood. Probably he meant he was going to be hanging out with people like Mr. Owens’s nephew.

“You’re going to be social with some lawbreakers?”

He shook his head. His forefinger traced her pretty mouth, faintly swollen from the pressure of his own. “It’s going to look like I’ve given you up for good. Can you handle that? Because it’s a lie. It just may not appear to be one, on the surface.”