Page 90 of Wyoming Homecoming

Her heart was shaking her with its beat.

His big hand went behind her head and pulled it closer. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered, and kissed her again, hungrily, his hands framing her face.

“I’ve missed you...too,” she managed between kisses. “So have Lucy and Hannah.”

“It will all be over soon, I promise,” he said softly, searching her eyes. “And I have no problem about Lucy, just in case you wondered.” He smiled. “But I think several children would be fun,” he added involuntarily.

She caught her breath. “I hated being by myself.”

“Me, too.” His mouth brushed over hers one last time. “I have to go to work. It’s not going to look like work. So whatever you see or hear gossiped about, take it with a grain of salt.”

“Okay,” she replied.

He drew in a long breath and smiled. “It’s like coming home from a long journey.”

“What is?” she asked as she started to open her door.

“Kissing you, honey,” he replied with soft, hungry eyes.

She tried to find words and couldn’t. He’d never called her a pet name. Nobody had. At least, no man.

“I’ll be in touch. You watch your back,” he added quietly. “Don’t go anywhere alone. Don’t let Lucy go anywhere alone, even on the ranch. That goes for Hannah as well.”

“You’re scaring me, Cody.”

“I don’t mean to. I just want you safe.”

She drew in a breath. “Okay,” she said. “But I want you safe, too. So you be careful.”

He smiled slowly. “I’ve never had more reason for wanting to be careful.”

She smiled back, got out and closed the door.

Cody drove down to his office.

The little blonde trooper was sitting in the chair by his desk. “You’re late,” she chided. “You said ten minutes.”

“Some things take longer than we anticipate,” he replied, getting out of his shepherd’s coat. “What can I do for you?”

“I was thinking a cup of cappuccino would be nice.”

He smiled as he sat down. “It would, but I’m expecting a call from the FBI lab. That’s why I’m late,” he lied. “They’ll be phoning me within the hour over some evidence I sent them.”

“Oh? Evidence in a case?” she wanted to know.

“Yes. A poisoning case.” He leaned back in his chair. “And a murder in Denver,” he added.

She didn’t react, except that her face tautened a bit. “Isn’t that out of your jurisdiction?”

“Well, normally, it would be. However, the poison used on one of my inmates is identical to the poison that was used to kill a woman in Denver.” He smiled slowly. “It’s derived from a very rare plant found only in South America.”

This time she did react. She got up from her chair, still smiling. “Well, it sounds fascinating, but I have to go to work. Maybe we could have a rain check on the coffee?” she added, sounding very cosmopolitan.

“Next time you’re in town, call me,” he said easily. “I’m here almost every day.”

She forced a smile. “Okay, then. See you.”

“See you.”