I bet the brat that has been holding my entire thoughts hostage lately is to blame for this burst of energy this late at night. She thinks I don’t know it, but she has been taking naps with my kid during the day.
Whether it is to make my kid keep me up at night or for me to have these moments with Ella, I have yet to find out.
I am grateful regardless, even though I strongly disapprove of her disobedience.
Ella howls with laughter, clutching her stomach and kicking her small feet. “No, moh, daddy. No moh.”
“Kisses then?” I peck her face with kisses, but soft and with all the love I have for her.
Pure and selfless love.
She bats at my face, laughing and squirming all over the place. “No, no, no.”
“Rude.” I widen my eyes with the tease.
“Kissy, daddy,” she says with a jerk of her chin while holding up her tiny finger.
I pull back, unable to do anything but gaze down at this little girl who is looking at me like I am her everything. Her hero. The most precious grin spread across her face, so massive it dimples her cheeks.
Wanted to be that for her since the moment I first held her in my arms.
Her hero.
Her rock.
Her world.
All the things she is to me.
I want to be the kind of father worthy of someone looking at him like my baby does.
Like I am not covered in lies and regrets.
As if my soul was not shrouded in the blemish of the things I have done and the lies I have told.
Running my hand over the top of her head, pure affection bleeds out. “I love you to the moon and back, Ellaiza. Forever.” I vow.
Blue eyes shine. “Wove, daddy.”
Love clutches my chest, and I smile. “Forever?”
“Mah daddy.” She says while wrapping her tiny arms around my neck and squishing our noses together.
“My Ellaiza.” I breathe her in.
I don’t know how a bastard like me was blessed with a love so pure and so real, but I am grateful to whoever took pity on me and decided to give me the most precious gift of all.
My Ellaiza’s love.
Checking my watch, I notice it is way past her bedtime, and if I don’t settle her down now, she will be up all night. “Time for bed, little girl.”
“No, nite.”
My grin was wry as I sat back and hooked my knuckle under my kid’s chin. “Princesses need their beauty sleep, do they not?”
Ellaiza scowled. “No.”
I shook my head, my lips softening as I stared at the child I would do anything for. “Elsa goes to bed when her father tells her to.” Thank fuck she is young and does not realize I am full of shit.