A pout takes over her face. “Daddy, bed?” She points down at her bed, letting me know what she wants. A heavy sigh heaves from my lungs, and I toss the covers aside and lay down with her on my chest.
I would do anything for this child.
Whatever she needs from me, I will gladly give.
The heart of my chest? Done.
The world? Working on it.
Now, she wants her father to sleep next to her in this tiny-as-fuck bed. Like every time she asks, I comply.
Because one day, she will not be this little. A time I am heavily dreading.
But until then, I will treasure every kiss, every hug and all her love.
In a minute, she falls asleep slobbering all over my white shirt and snoring loudly.
My world.
My entire heart.
The love of my life.
Who would have thought?
What a strange and overwhelming feeling.
Looking up at the lit moon on the ceiling, I can’t help but think something is missing.
Rather someone.
“Keep your dreams close to your heart
and you’ll see how they come true.” - A
“Do you think mommy loves us?” Arianna’s middle sister whispers, detached from the pain of the night before. The night when her little sisters were exposed to the heartbreaking reality of the world.
Their world.
Does mother love them?
She never knows how to answer that without lying to her.
Without breaking their fragile hearts.
She believed her mother loved them once, in her way. In a selfish way. But not more than herself and her vices.
The girls always come second, hell, not even second.
Instead of giving her an answer that will only crush her heart, Arianna opted to remain silent and hugged her tightly.