Page 67 of Arianna

“Yes, stink?” I stare at the bubbly baby girl and offer her a soft smile.

“Hi!” She exclaims adorably.

I laugh before responding. “Hello.”

I’m glad to see she’s feeling better today. I still have my heart in my throat after last night’s scare.

Making sure her diaper is placed correctly, I finish buttoning Ella’s brand-new Burberry pearl white pajamas and move on to matching socks. From now on, she will always match and be styled properly.

No more crazy outfits.

I adjust her left sock on her tiny baby foot. The room temperature is cold, and even with the thermostat on, the socks will make sure her feet stay warm all night.

The weather is getting cold in Chicago now that winter is here.

Last night made me realize how little I know about kids and how much I care about the little monster currently slobbering all over my Gucci dress.

“You gave me quite the scare, little girl.” I frown at Ellaiza, and she grins while playing with the tendrils of my hair. “Oh, you think it’s funny, huh? I’ll give you something to laugh about.” I tickle her belly, causing her to break into a fit of giggles making my heart sing. Is that even possible? For a heart to sing?

I am not sure, but somehow that is how it feels whenever Ella smiles my way or giggles in that sweet baby voice of hers.

I am not the only one currently under her spell.

Her father is madly in love with her, and Benjamin is equally besotted with the little girl.

Placing Ellaiza down on her miniature white couch, I make sure she stays still while I grab my phone from my jeans back pocket, unlock it, and open the camera app.

Besides reading the paper and spying on a certain grumpy politician, I spend my days taking countless photos of Ellaiza when I get to dress her up in her brand-new clothes.

After graduation and finding myself lost in this place, I haven’t had the chance to think about what to do with my life now that I was given a brand new one. What I found was that I enjoy doing little things I couldn’t do before.


Playing with a child without looking over my shoulder, waiting for punishment.

I like spending hours reading and writing on my notepad about little things, stupid things, but writing anyway.

I don’t take myself so seriously here; maybe that’s why I can feel free here and not fight it.

I don’t feel so hollow, and that’s dangerous because it could end.

The blissful feeling in my chest won’t last.

A knock sounds on the door before it’s pulled open by Benjamin. “Well, look at you.” His smile widens from ear to ear when he looks at Ella sitting on her baby chair, looking exactly like a queen on her throne. He picks her up and throws her in the air, making her break into a fit of giggles. Then he looks at me, “You hungry?”

“Starving, actually,” I mumble, rising from the floor.

“Good.” He walks over to the L-shaped couch on the far side of the nursery, takes a seat, and turns the TV on while the annoying talking pig plays on the screen. Placing Ella on his lap, he gets comfortable and then turns his head my way. “Dinner is served, and the boss is waiting.”

“Waiting for…?” I narrow my eyes when I see his obnoxious grin. The one that tells me he finds my discomfort amusing. Asshole.

“You,” Benjamin says before leaning down to Ella’s level to whisper in her ear. At least Ella has the decency not to laugh at whatever the traitor said. Good girl. “Go on. Boss does not take kindly to tardiness.” He laughs when I flip him off when I am sure Ellaiza is not looking.

He wants me to join him for dinner.

Very suspicious.

He’s been treating me as if I don’t exist, besides his incessant need to lavish me with gifts.