What if we met at another time under different circumstances?
What if I was the right man?
I am no longer the same man I was the day she walked into my life.
I was never distracted, never deterred from my goals, and I have never been impulsive. So, imagine my not-so-pleasant surprise when I found myself being all three at once.
Turning my head towards the window, I notice there is a full moon tonight. The sliver of light slipping through the curtains illuminates the room, making the sleeping girl look like an angel.
A goddess worthy of her name.
Shaking my head lightly, I suppress the need to laugh aloud at the absurdity of this moment. Of my thoughts. “What a tender heart you have, darling.” I draw the blanket over her narrow shoulders and lean close to her ear, combing her bangs back with my fingers. “Perhaps you’re not so cold after all.”
Something shifted between us, and there is no denying it.
The instant I looked at her, I knew things would never be the same. Good or bad, it does not matter as long as it is her.
My priorities. My plans. They have all shifted so completely that as I listen to her breathe softly, all I can think is I can’t imagine going back to life before her.
A life without her.
He looks at me as if I
am the missing piece in his life.” - A
“You look so pretty,” I whisper to Ellaiza as I comb her hair with a tiny brush trying to contain those unruly curls of hers.
She’s perfect, and she knows it.
“Ella pwetty.” She turns her little head and looks over at me before tapping her nose with her palm.
So silly and not very humble, I must say.
My type of girl.
I jokingly roll my eyes at her. “What a little diva you are.” I place the brush down on her tiny vanity and move towards her closet with her in my arms to choose a comfortable outfit for the day.
I took it upon myself to take over babysitting duties from Benjamin, not wanting to be apart from the little girl for a second. Although, it was quite the challenge since her father has been hogging her without leaving room for the rest of us.
He hasn’t left her side all day, and the only reason I got to sneak in and spend this time alone with her is that Sebastian was called into his home office for an emergency meeting, or so I’ve heard.
I understand why he is unwilling to part from her.
Being away from your kid while she was hurting and needing you must be a tough pill to swallow, but he made it home just in time to ensure she was safe and healthy again.
He’s not a complete ass, after all.
Please, girl…
Oh, hush! Let me have this, at least.
Insulting the man is the highlight of my day, as sad as that sounds.
“Anaaaaaa.” The little hellion smacks my right cheek. Rude. That is her father’s child right there.