Page 53 of Arianna

Assholes should not be handsome. Although that is very hypocritical of me since in no way am I ugly or a nice person.

Pot meet kettle, huh?

The gorgeous ass moves slowly across the room until he reaches me. “And what if I don’t? What then?” He speaks, sounding amused, not at all bored like before.

So confusing…

The way he tries to challenge me as if he enjoys my bitchy side.

One second, he acts cold towards me then he behaves almost decently, only to revert back to his asshole ways. I never know which side I will get when it comes to him. “Then you leave me no choice but to start calling you creative names as well,” I tell him truthfully. I have a few names I would like to call him aloud. Although, they don’t hit the same when I call him names in my head.

“Oh?” He laughs mockingly. “Names? By all means. Share them with me,” he never breaks eye contact, not even once.

He wants to do this.

Very well, then. “Let’s see. I have been playing around with Senator Cunt. Is that to your liking?” I look down at my nails, trying to sound and look as confident as he does. “I think it’s catchy. You can even use that for your campaign ads. Please feel free to credit me.” I raise my eyes from my nails and stare right at him, feeling a buzz I have never felt before. It makes me feel… less cold and more alive. Huh. Who would have thought I would find amusement in verbal sparring with a man who makes my blood pressure rise? A man who is not only dangerous for my health but also a damn menace.

Sebastian remains quiet and takes two more steps until we are almost touching. I try my best not to show him how much he affects me. “Not all that clever but I must give you credit. Yes. You are funny, Arianna.” I don’t know why, but I look at his hands and notice he is keeping them at his sides, looking almost statuesque like one of those breathtaking sculptures made for the Roman Gods. Why is he not moving his arms? Surely, Benjamin didn’t tell him about my reaction earlier… no. That cannot be it. I remember distinctly the times I was around him and how he would adjust his cufflinks or play with his Rolex. The man is always moving his arms and using his hands, whether he is typing on his phone or doing other things, but never this.

That is one of the things I have learned about him and have engraved in my brain. I still don’t know why. They do say you should study your enemy and learn as much as you can to use against them later.

Bullshit… The little devil on my shoulder mocks me.

Not wanting to give it more thought, I step back from him, but he takes two steps forward, making me step back again as if we are dancing with no music on.

Step away. You, incredibly handsome and egotistical man… I’m broken.

Trying to break this hold he suddenly has on me, I switch up the conversation to something that makes me feel as if I am not losing control. Arguing stupidity. “Why the fuck did you leave your kid with a mouth-breathing idiot?” The air in the nursery suddenly feels hotter than before.

“Watch your mouth.” He replies, unaffected by my sudden change of topic and outburst. “Don’t you know princesses don’t curse and raise their voices? It’s quite unattractive.” He clicks his jaw, mocking me again.

And, of course, he would have that mindset.

A man as pretentious as him would think it is beneath a lady to curse, but he had nothing to say when I called him Senator Cunt just moments ago.

He is as confusing as he is infuriating.

I must admit I have been cursing more than I used to all because of Benjamin’s influence in my life, but in this instance, it is necessary.

This man knows how to push my buttons.

Where is a pair of heels when I need them? The sharpness of the heel would come in handy right now. Since he dislikes cursing so much, I say with a big condescending smile on my face. “Fuck you.”

“What did you just say to me?” His cold and deadly tone would scare the living hell out of most grown men, but not me. I try to hold my own, and if I feel anxious, I try not to let it show. I will not be making that mistake again today. “You heard me, or do you need me to spell it out for you?” I am playing with fire. I know this, yet I cannot seem to shut my mouth when he is around. “F. u. c—” The moment the offensive words slip from my mouth, I regret them because the look that takes over Sebastian’s face makes my heartbeat race and my hands sweat.

Oh, great.

I knew I poked the bear when I felt his rough hand grab the back of my neck and pull me closer. So close that I can smell the oddly intoxicating mix of alcohol and peppermint on his breath.

Stunned and left speechless for what feels like the first time since I met this man, I raise my gaze and meet his blue eyes. I find no anger there, but I see annoyance and something else I can't put my finger on.

On times like this, I wish I were more like the women he is accustomed to. They would know exactly how to handle this situation and this man.

I do what I always do when I feel threatened.

I fight back.

I calm my breathing, give him my most natural smile, and hope it doesn’t make me look like a demented doll or a creepy clown.