Page 54 of Arianna

Staring into those wolfish eyes of his, I can't help but notice his rugged beauty from up close. I always knew he was a handsome man. The most handsome man I ever laid eyes on. He looks more mature than he did when I saw him last.

His black hair is perfectly styled, and I secretly wish I could rub my hands through it and mess it up just so I can see the side of him I am certain many don’t see.

The mortal man and not the corrupt politician that everyone fawns over.

He looks so proper and controlled. I kind of wish he looked more like he did back at the beach. Wild and untamable black hair flowing in the wind.

Without the suit jacket and tie.

Just him.

Yes, he is beautiful in a way he has no business being, but then I remind myself that eventually, that stunning face of his starts talking and annoys the living hell out of me.

Time seems to stop as we stand facing each other. I swear, if I try hard enough, I can hear the rapid beating of the traitorous organ inside my chest. Sebastian opens his mouth, and I prepare for what insult he will hurl my way next, but then he pauses and looks down at my mouth, and as if my lips have a mind of their own, I use my tongue to wet them out of habit when I’m anxious. Something severe washes over his expression, making his jaw harden and his eyes narrow.


Is that desire?

It surely can’t be, can it?

Ugh, why is everything so complicated and hard to decipher when it comes to this man?

What surprises me most is that instead of reacting as I did when Benjamin raised his hand at me, I don’t flinch, nor do I cower under the force of his intense stare.

His touch does not hurt… it burns in a way I have never felt before.

Pain was always just pain for me, nothing else. Pleasure never followed.

Until now.

Until an obnoxiously infuriating man who tests my patience with every condescending and fiery look, he sends my way.

I wonder how many hearts he has broken.

Most likely a million.

I feel his hard body press against me, and I'm suddenly left defenseless against him. His eyes sparkle when he notices my breath hitch. I know he knows it, too.

“You should watch your mouth around me, darling.” His breath fans out over my face. “You believe because you spent a handful of minutes with my child that you know what's best for her? Is that it, Parisi?” I cringe at how he says my name as if he's tasting venom. As if it makes him physically ill.

It hurts.

It shouldn't. God, how I hope it didn’t, but it does.

Why, though?

My jaw tightens while I fist my hands, trying hard not to pull away from his hold and reach forward, slap him across the face, or worse, kiss the hell out of him.

And that thought scares me just as much as it causes heat and excitement to course through me like lighting.

The same feeling I experienced when his fingers touched my skin.

With a sluggish pace, I step forward, bringing us closer. Sebastian towers over me while I peer up at him, watching his firm jaw and those eyes that I am sure could set me on fire at any given moment with the intensity of his stare.

For a second, I reconsider stepping back when he does the unexpected. Instead of pushing me away, he inches his face closer to mine so I can feel the tip of his nose touch my heated cheek.

Chest rising in sync with his, I ask him. “What are you doing?” Raising my hands, I push on his hard chest, but it does nothing but amuse him. That is weak, but that's the only thought I can form. This close to him, I am reduced to one of those idiots that drool over him and have zero respect for themselves.