I could have let my pride stand in the way and let this opportunity slip through my fingers, but instead, I worked hard as hell and made it happen.
I did listen to Benjamin’s, at the time, unsolicited yet wise advice.
It all made this happen.
Graduation day.
I am moments away from walking up the stage and receiving my diploma ahead of time.
In two years, with hard work, dedication, and lots of free time to study, I did what takes others four.
I wish I could say I did this on my own.
That is far from the truth.
Sebastian gave me all the tools I needed to succeed, including his most trusted man, who turned out to be not only my number #1 cheerleader but also my only friend.
A real friend.
Never cared for friends, and I didn’t really think I needed one, but he slowly and very painfully crept into the hollow hole in my chest and made space for himself. As much as it pains me to admit, and I never will…out loud, of course. He is the only person in my corner now.
Scanning the sea of people gathered to celebrate us graduates, I search for the man I stopped referring to as my jailor and now call a friend. Benjamin stands surrounded by thousands of other friends and family members disguised as one of them and not as bodyguards. I know there are more of him today, as I overheard him talking on the phone last night about the security details for the event.
Today, he has the same look on his face he had every time he would stay up late with me, helping me study for tests or every time I finished a class assignment before its due date. A look that used to disturb me just as much as it would puzzle me. One I have never seen before.
That is a lie.
Another man stared at me the same way once.
Sebastian Kenton.
That fateful night he stared at me with a look I had trouble deciphering then, but now I know it to be pride. He looked proud every time I opened my mouth to hurl insults his way or sass him back when he tried to make me feel inadequate.
Back in Detroit, that would have gotten me a bloody lip or a broken rib, but not with Sebastian. It was as if he enjoyed that I didn’t cower under the heat of his gaze or his intimidating presence.
I still don’t know what he saw in me that day that made him decide to grant me liberties I was never allowed in my old life.
I became fascinated with the way the man held my gaze. Not once did it stray, unafraid of my wrath or sharp tongue.
If I close my eyes and concentrate, I can still smell his rich cologne mixed with a hint of bourbon.
I hate that I notice such things about him and that I haven’t forgotten.
It only took one encounter with the man for him to take residence in my brain.
Two years have passed, and he has made zero contact, yet I have never gone without protection or anything else I have needed to survive. Benjamin does a lot for me, but I know the orders come from his boss, or maybe it is just wishful thinking, and Sebastian could care less what happens to me.
I catch Benjamin’s gaze and flip him off when I see him pointing at his face as if telling me to smile wide. He knows I hate smiling, yet he never gives up trying to get me to do it. He laughs and continues taking photos of me while holding the ceremony’s program. I didn’t get one when I took my seat, so I don’t know if I will be awarded anything.
I hope not.
Two weeks ago, one of my professors, Mrs. Fowler, approached me with the announcement that I was chosen as the class speaker because of my excellent grade point average. I immediately turned it down. Not because I’m ungrateful. Because I am not. I don’t take this experience for granted, but because my experience at university is sure as hell not the same as all the graduates sitting around me today.
I took all my classes online. It is safe to say that I am not the person to speak on the matter today. I am more than okay being in the background and enjoying this moment for what it is to me.
A big piece of freedom.