Page 11 of The Flame

Winsome giggled and shaking her head, she looked at him. “You really don’t want to know the answer to that question, trust me.”

“Ok then, how soon before the others get here?” Luther asked.

Rissa stood from her seat and said, “I am hoping they come by morning. Or at least begin their journey, it may take a few days to get here, but I am hoping they will come.”

“I hope they come too.” Luther shook his head. “And I hope my guys can hold down the fort.”

Rissa smiled. “Your men will be just fine, my boy. Now come with me and let’s get your powers under control.”

She and two of her guards left the room with Luther in tow.

Diesel shook his head. “He allowed her to call him a boy? Lord, I hope she knows what she’s doing, that boy can be awfully stubborn.”

Winsome chuckled. “Oh, you don’t know my mother, she can be a little stubborn too, and I think after all the time she’s lived she has built that stubbornness to unyielding. So she’s got him beat in that department.” Shaking her head, she added, “And no, I won’t tell you how old she is either.”

“Why is that?” Steel asked.

Winsome shrugged. “Well, mostly because I really don’t know either?” Holding up her hand, she shook her head. “Before you comment on how I should know how old my mother is, just remember where you are and what you have seen so far. If you thought some of this was unbelievable, you certainly wouldn’t believe her real age.”

Rissa led Luther into a room that had a few furnishings in it but not too many. “This chamber should do.”

Luther frowned and studied her for a moment. “Should do for what?” he asked.

“My dear Luther...” Rissa smiled. “You just got an awesome gift, chosen for you by the Gods. Now you have to learn to control it. And...” She raised a brow at him as she paused. “You are like a child learning to walk for the first time. You have been stumbling and ending up on your ass every time.”

Luther frowned at her words. He could feel the heat building up inside him as he didn’t appreciate her opinion of him being a stumbling child in the least. His cheeks grew even hotter as he glared at her. “As you said, I only just got my powers, how can I not make a few mistakes?”

Rissa snorted. “Yeah boy, you’ll make mistakes but those mistakes could end up killing someone, maybe the bad guy but more likely, you’ll end up killing an innocent.”

“Then show me how to control this power.” He almost growled.

Rissa scoffed. “That’s what we’re here to do, boy.”

“Well, get on with it then.” He looked agitated

“Patience, child.” Rissa smirked at him as she already noted that he didn’t like being called a child, or a boy. “For a biker, you’re awfully insecure, aren’t you? I thought bikers were really bad guys but you and your men are just plain lame.”

Luther felt his heat rising at her insults as his hands began to glow.

“What do you guys do everyday anyway? Just sit around your clubhouse and drink beer?” she asked snidely as she air quoted the word ‘clubhouse.’

Luther could feel his rage building and the flames began licking his skin.

“And you think you’re good enough for my granddaughter?” Rissa snorted. “As if she would ever look at you in a serious way. Oh, you got the looks I have to admit that much. You are one hot piece of man, pardon the pun.” She actually snickered. “But she’s special and she needs someone who’s equal to her status, not a bum who doesn’t work for a living.”

Luther roared as the fire grew and he pushed his hands toward her as flames lit up the room. Rissa just stood there and at the last minute, she threw up an invisible shield that protected her from the flames that threatened her being.

When the flames died down, she stared at him for a moment then sneered. “And that, my boy, is what will cause you to lose your powers.”

“What?” Luther exclaimed. “I’m supposed to let you insult me like I’m a damned chump?”

Rissa shook her head. “No, you are supposed to know that others will try the same thing and you are supposed to understand that they are pushing you to lose your temper. You think you will only hear my insults?” She shook her head. “TankaTae knows this. Remember, he is the Coyote. He will use tricks and slurs to get you to lose your temper and that way he will win, if you allow it. You have to be stronger and wiser than that. You can’t show your temper, you have to be in control at all times.”

Luther got her words and as they sank into his brain, he understood what she was saying. “I see. Just like in kickboxing.”

She chuckled and shook her head. “Kick boxing and any kind of fight, Luther.”

“Well, I found in my life that losing my temper simply made me stronger. I have kicked a lot of ass in my time.”