“Yes, Grandmother. We will be.” Amira nodded.
Rissa looked saddened. “I should have kept the chant going.”
“You cannot live by regrets, Rissa,” Kimle advised her. “You have no time for them. I have been gone from this world for many years, but one thing remains the same.”
Everyone stared at him, a being who was a spirit, now speaking to them even though he had died long ago.
“All things natural,” he continued. “And things that most think are not natural, evolve. You could not account for that, Rissa.” He then looked around at all the men there, and at the People who stood in front of the building. “You have an army of good souls here, and The Maiden is counting on that.” Then he turned his head to stare at the mountain. “I am humbled to have gotten the chance to see you again and to see The Maiden.” He turned his head and stared at Rissa. “You shall win in this. The very fact that I was able to come back for the death of the demon was her doing. When the time comes, her real power will be at your aid.”
Rissa raised her head as she sniffed the air. “The shadows are coming for him.” She glanced over at TankaTae. “I can smell their stink of brimstone.”
Kimle nodded. “Aye, so can I.” They both turned to watch the last few minutes of Tanka’s life on this earth.
What the spirit Shaman and the living Shaman saw on the ground where TankaTae had been, no one else could really see.
Just like everyone else present, Amira and Winsome both stared at where the pair looked to see only a pile of ash.
TankaTae looked up at Kimle. “You won this match, old man. Just as it was written in the fates so long ago. This played out just as it was meant to. I lost and you won.”
“This is a battle that is won and lost time after time throughout history, my son,” Kimle replied. “There will always be greed and there will always be those who fight this fight. Sometimes the good wins out but most times the battle is lost for a time when the greed wins out. But in the end, the one who fights the good fight wins. This time, you were caught up by the demon, the trickster caught you in his web and refused to let you go. But as we all witnessed, he was reborn and infected someone else. He will live to see another day but he leaves you and so many others behind in disgrace, broken forever.” Kimle reached down and held out his hand. “Let me take you home again.”
TankaTae stared at the old man’s hand and looked over at Rissa. “What is this?”
She raised a brow at him. “He is offering you an olive branch. Take it.”
TankaTae reached for Kimle’s hand and when he grasped it, he felt himself being lifted up. “Why are you here? My actions damned you.” Shaking his head he said, “I never thought you would forgive my greatest sin.”
Kimle shook his head. “I am not here to forgive you your sin. You broke too many rules and caused so much pain that the Gods can’t forgive you. Had you showed any remorse they might have forgiven you but you didn’t even show your victims that. I am only here to save you from the hell you so richly deserve. Your punishment will be to serve the rest of your days here on earth but you will be a man of stone.”
Having been silent for all of this time, Amil and Lisset nodded their heads at him. They both had been murdered by this man, many years ago.
TankaTae frowned in confusion then his form began freezing into one position. He couldn’t move. “What is this, old man?” he shouted.
“The Gods have passed your sentence and this is it,” Kimle explained.
Now, the crowd there could see who they had been speaking to as they all watched TankaTae turn to stone, from the top of his head all the way to the bottom of his feet. His face was frozen forever in a screaming position and then as he stood there, he shattered into a thousand small pieces.
TankaTae was gone forever.
Kimle turned to Rissa. He took her hand and told her, “Guard the Maiden well, Shaman. The wolves are still here.”
Rissa nodded. “I know.”
“You know?” Luther stated. “But we all just saw...” He shook his head.
“Griffen lied,” Rissa stated. “He did it to get away and he believes he can avoid the demon.”
Amira nodded. “I did not feel any remorse from him even while he made that speech. I wondered why his feelings didn’t match his words.”
“A liar, just like his son.” Winsome looked angry.
Swag spoke up now, “Too bad, he didn’t stick around and see that cool Medusa trick that Kimle here just pulled off. He would see what happens to liars, murders, and thieves.”
Kimle nodded. “It may have changed his small pack’s choice to go with him, but they know deep down that he is no good. Griffen will keep trying to get the gold and he will not give up or give in until he destroys The Maiden to get it.”
Rissa nodded. “I will watch over her.”
Kimle then said, “Amil and Lisset have been released from their sleep.”