Rissa paused to stare at him. “For what purpose?”
“I do not know. I think they will be some integral part of this war.” He shrugged. “As they say, only the stars can tell.”
Rissa shook her head, as she actually felt a bit bewildered. “I wasn’t aware of this as I had no message or vision about it. Just as I did not know the demon would spawn into Milo’s form. I have been at this for longer than... well, I can even remember and yet, I still miss steps.”
Kimle actually laughed and the wind carried it away as it would soon carry his spirit. “Shamans we are and there are few who know more about this world and the next. Yet, we still are but babes even while wearing the robes of wise men.” He then paused and switched to the ancient language as he said, “You do know the man who wields the flame will fall in love with your granddaughter don’t you?”
Rissa nodded. “He has already, only he is still unaware of it. But he will have to prove that love for her before she will ever agree I think. They were connected by the storm a few days ago.”
“Be careful not to separate them,” Kimle warned her. “They are the very heart and blood of this struggle to save The Maiden.”
“I am aware,” Rissa agreed. “There is an ironic twist here that tells me this. He holds the power of the flames and we are known as Masters of the Ice, she is of that destiny... Fire and Ice.” She chuckled a bit as she strolled beside him to the place where the light would take him home again. “Sometimes, things from the cosmos can be so...funny. I know the Gods have a sense of humor whenever I encounter their irony.”
Kimle smiled at this theory. Then he stopped and suddenly turned his head to stare into the sudden darkness as the sun had dipped below the horizon. “Beware of the crimson wolf now and I sensed also that he may have other powers since he made this jump. What those are I cannot tell. But he is the real danger around here. He wants you and yours dead.”
“I know but only the Gods can say when death comes for us,” Rissa assured him. “God’s speed, my old friend and master.”
“God’s speed to you and yours as well.” Kimle stepped back into the light.
Rissa turned to give Winsome and Amira a nod. She went around the building and they followed her to the RVs. Her council stayed close to all three women.
The People stared at their departure and then they went around back too.
Steel and Diesel shook their heads.
“What is it?” Luther asked them.
“Are they all going to pitch tents or what?” Steel asked.
Just then, the lights of Amira and Lisset flew around them as if they had fairy wings. They then rose up higher.
Luther stared up at them, as did his men. Since darkness had fallen, the streaks of light they left in their wake took on more color, as if a rainbow paint brush was brushing across the sky.
Swag laughed at the sight. “Damn, to think I dreamed of living in a supernatural world and here it is!” he exclaimed.
Luther and all the men looked over at him.
“What?” he asked the men as they all scowled at him.
“Man, we are not the Lords of shit now, Swag! Least of all, Lords of ourselves anymore,” Diesel exclaimed. “One day, we were just plain ole bikers. Crack a beer open and play some poker. Watch some TV and make a run to the store. And every once in a while, we might have seen a shooting star or two.”
Luther, Captain, Viper, and Steel all nodded their agreement to his rant.
“And now?” Diesel went on. “We got werewolves, witches, ghosts, and demons?” He shivered and looked back up at the streaking colors above them. “And I still can’t fucking figure out what they are?”
Bullfrog laughed. “They look like fireflies. Man, I loved them when I was a kid, only I ain’t never seen any this size!”
Swag nodded. “At least someone else appreciates this magic.”
“Speaking of magic and weird shit,” Captain spoke up as he looked over at Luther. “What in the hell is up with your hands, man? You looked like a walking flamethrower earlier.”
Luther paused as he stared down at his palms.
“Well, that’s another thing,” Steel replied.
Captain, Viper and the other MC men all stared at him.