Page 13 of Fire And Ice

The men all nodded.

“Yeah boss,” Steel agreed with him. “I felt like someone had tazed me for a damn minute there. I mean I never felt anything like that before in my life.”

Luther shook his head. “I think you guys are scaring yourself silly. She doesn‘t have any magical powers here.” He glared at his men. “That half breed comment the old man made, that was when I wanted his ass booted outta here. The fucker. My father is Apache and my mom is white, what does that make me?” He growled, “It makes me a breed that’s what but my father’s tribe never made me feel like one. I worked harder than they did and that earned their respect. Only one man ever made me feel less than I was and he pushed me only so far. He learned to regret pushing me.”

“Hell Luther, you’ve always had to prove who you are,” Steel told him. “They never called you a breed because you always carried your own weight and then some. Everyone knew who you were but they respected you too.”

“So where the hell does he get off, calling his own blood a breed?” Luther snarled.

“And now her fucking father pulled us into a shit storm.” Diesel growled. “We need to find out just who the fuck is gonna follow him here and why.”

“Yeah and how the hell did she contact her grandmother?” Swag asked.

Steel shook his head. “We didn’t find cell phones on any of them. And as far as I can tell, there ain’t no crystal balls down there in the cells.”

Luther poked his tongue into his cheek. “I didn’t know you could crack jokes, Steel.”

The large man shrugged. “I ain’t joking, boss.”

Swag nodded his head in total agreement.

Diesel did as well.

Luther was frustrated. “Look, we aren't living in a damn horror movie here. You are all full grown men. MC members at that. Get a fucking grip, all of you.”

Chapter Seven

The afternoon was long and hot as they all sat in their cells.

Amira had paced the room as sweat poured from her.

Suddenly, the light streaming from the one window high above them seemed to dim.

Next, they heard lightning and thunder.

The air in the room began to cool.

“Damn, that feels good,” Jacks said.

Kinsen and Trent nodded as they leaned back and sighed.

The lightning grew fierce though as colors gleamed in from the small window. Green, orange, and even blue glowed from it. Rain came down in heavy currents, if the sound indicated right.

The door on the stairs slammed open.

“Get your asses up here!” Diesel called.

They all looked at each other.

“Nice invitation,” Amira scoffed. She looked over at them. “Come on.” She walked out of the cell and went up the stairs.

The men followed her.

In the hall, Diesel was waving them down. “Get out here!”

They rushed now.

When they came into the main room, they saw men gathered at the open doors. They could all feel the cooling air. Heading over toward the doors, the MC men parted to allow them by.