Page 7 of Fire And Ice

He shut the door and turned the lock. Then he smiled and said, “Enjoy your stay and remember... we don’t always keep our light on. Maybe by tonight, you’ll feel like talking.” Then he wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Whooee, it’s gonna be a scorcher today.” He laughed as he walked to the stairs and went upstairs again. The moment he opened the door, he shut the light off and plunged the basement into darkness.

Amira walked over to the wall and sat down. The floor was dirty and the wall behind her was wet with something she didn’t want to think about.

Kinsen began to pace the cell. “Why do you think we’re the only ones who can’t see this mountain you talk about?”

“When Rissa cursed my father she must have included all of you,” Amira told them.

“But we had nothing to do with what he did to you or your mother,” Trent grumbled. “Hell girl, we didn’t even know you were living with him until recently.”

Jacks nodded. “Yeah, we didn’t know about you until after he died.” He shook his head, “God, this fuckin place really stinks. It is disgusting. Don’t they know enough not to piss in their own houses. And they call us animals.”

Amira nodded. “Yeah, it’s not pleasant but at least it's not blood, So we know they won’t kill us, probably. I used to think that would happen to me, but death got to my father first.” Then she snapped her head up and growled. “Only Milo Wicks isn’t dead is he?”

Kinsen snapped his head around and stared at her. “What the hell do you mean he isn’t dead?”

Amira glared at him and all three men could see her eyes from where she sat.

Kinsen took a step back and held out his hand as if to ward her off. “What the hell girl? Your eyes are glowing. What the hell is going on?”

Suddenly, the locks on the door clanked open.

Kinsen, Trent, and Jacks all stared at them.

“Let’s get the hell out of this stinkhole,” Amira growled as she reached through the bars and flung the lock off.

All three men gaped at her as she stepped out and took their lock off.

“What the hell?” Kinsen exclaimed.

The other two could only nod their heads like dummies.

Amira ignored them as she stomped up the stairs. Flinging the door open, she stepped out.

Then men seemed to get with it and went out to follow her.

Chapter Four

When they arrived in the main room, the men there all stared at them in shock.

“The fuck?” Luther glared at Amira.

She stalked forward and stabbed her finger into his chest. “I will not be thrown into some pisshole. You all are pigs for having rooms like that.”

He blinked at her.

Her friends came over to stand beside her.

Amira still looked angry. “Now you know that you cannot lock us up.”

He slowly shook his head. “Then why did you let us do that in the first place?”

Amira paused, as she seemed to lose her focus. “I-I don’t know...”

Her three friends stared at her.

“So it’s true!” Swag exclaimed as he stood from the table.

Everyone looked over at him.