Hanging up, I call Alex first.”Your brother tried to have me killed.”
“Logan? Why? Most days, I want to kill you, but Logan’s the more even tempered one.”
“The other brother. He hired Daniel’s son to kill me.”
Silence greets my statement. “Have you told Logan?” he finally asks.
“You were my first call.”
“Good. I’ll call Logan. He needs to be taken care of.”
“Daniel thinks it’s time to geteveryoneinvolved. Take from that what you will.”
“I’ll speak with Logan. See how he wants this to be handled.” He speaks coldly.
“If you don’t kill him first, I will. He put a hit on my life. Another one of your relatives tried to have me killed. Better find him quick.”
Alex does not respond. Instead, he hangs up. He’s already dialing Logan.
Moving downstairs, I speak with Chris and Antonio and inform them of the latest update. They will let the other men know.
Isneak into Elijah’s office at midnight. He has been in there since dinner. He doesn’t look up from the file he’s reading. Moving around the desk, I glide into his lap.
“What are you still doing up?” he asks, kissing my cheek.
“You look tired,” I respond, ignoring his question and running my fingers through his hair. He looked exhausted. I’d only seen him a couple of hours the last few days. I’m finding that I miss him when he’s not around.
“Hm. Living on energy drinks and whiskey. I should be fresh as a daisy.”
“Maybe a wilted, under watered daisy.” I grin, circling my arms around his shoulders, kissing him. His mouth moves against mine, and everything else dissolves. I feel his hands rest against my back, keeping me in place as his lips dance with mine. His lips slide from mine for a brief second before leaving trails of kisses from the edge of my lips, to my jaw, to my neck.
My fingertips dig into his back as my nerve endings come alive at his touch. Slowly, he moves up my neck to my earlobe and nips gently. “Go upstairs. I’ll be right there.”
Leaning away, I kiss his lips once more before forcing myself from his lap. As I stand, I look down at the open file and feel my blood turn cold. In reflex, my hands grab the page and I take a closer look, knowing who it is but not yet able to fully comprehend.
“Lily, what’s wrong?” Elijah’s concerned voice sounds far away, as if we were at a train station across from each other with a train approaching. I hear him speak once more, but I can’t make out the words. I’m no longer in his office. For once, I’m thankful as blackness overtakes me, and I slip to the floor with the paper grasped in my hands.
* * *
I wake up to the feel of a cold washcloth against my forehead. Moving a little, I figure out I’m on the family room couch. Sitting up slowly, the washcloth falls from my forehead. Moving it to the coffee table, I move to a sitting position, remembering what caused my state.
“If I had realized who they were, I never would have entangled us in this mess,” Elijah states, moving from the nearby chair to sit beside me.
“That’s who Jason has hired?” I ask.
“Yes. I’ll get it taken care of.”
“He’s the one who killed them. I’m sure of it. I’d seen him at different events when I was younger. I knew I recognized the voice that night, but could not fully place it till I saw his face again. He wasn’t the only one involved, but he was there that night.”
“I pulled the old reports. He was taken in for questioning in the murders. They know you’re alive. The police tried to find you to have you testify. There wasn’t enough evidence left behind to arrest him.”
“I want him dead,” I rage, not recognizing my own voice. It has an edge, a darkness I’ve never heard before. Their faces flash in my mind, and the rage gets more intense. My fingers dig into my palms, and I want him dead. I want them all dead.
“I know. I will see it done. But it will take time. You’ve waited this long. Just a little while longer.”