“I’m not you,” I snap. “I can’t wait years knowing. I don’t know how you waited as long as you did. The anger and bitterness are too much,” I yell, standing and pacing the room. “Why do they get to live a second longer? We know who they are.”
“I know. As I’ve said, things take time. I understand the feelings you have. I’ve had them for years myself. But rushing into it can cause issues that would be avoided by giving it a little time. Lily, just a little time.”
Placing my hands on the fireplace, I bend forward, trying to catch my breath, as if I had run for miles. I need to gain control. I don’t respond because anything I say will be a lie. I don’t want to lie to Elijah, but I don’t have it in me to wait now that I know who did it, and they are so close.
* * *
Elijah lets me have a while alone before joining me in bed. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close, keeping my demons at bay for the moment.
“Soon, Lily. So soon,” he says against my ear. I close my eyes, remembering my vow. A vow I made a long time ago.
“Wow,” Claire exclaims as she enters the bedroom.
“I know,” I answer, glancing over my shoulder.
“That dress is very you.”
“Thank you.” I just bought it the other day. I thought I would wear it for a date night later this week. Elijah has been busy this week, and I’ve hardly seen him. I feel as if he’s avoiding me so we won’t have to talk about the men who killed my family. I tried the next day to convince him to kill them, but he said not yet.
“You’re happy?” she asks, stepping closer and touching the fabric of the dress.
“I am. I never thought I could tame your brother.” I laugh.
“I’m not sure how much you tamed him. More like he brought out your insane side.” She laughs, throwing herself on the bed.
“Good to know. Yeah, I would second that thought. He’ll be paying my bail someday.”
“That’s okay, I’ve paid it enough times for him, and he can pay it forward.”
“How are you?” I ask, stepping to the side to change.
“Hm. Okay. A lot is going on. I’ll be happy to be back with Becca. Alex and I have an early flight in a few days. I wish I could stay a little while longer.”
“You worried about your sister?” I had not talked with Claire about her sister. It’s a subject I’ve been avoiding with both the siblings.
“A little. I worry that Elijah won’t tell me the truth if something happens. He’ll just sweep her under the rug. Even…even if it ends badly, I need to know the truth. I can handle it. I need the truth.”
“Have you told him?” I ask.
She rolls her eyes. “Yes. I told him. We’ll find out soon enough.”
“Is he close to finding her?”
“Yes. It’s only a matter of time. I think it’s taking longer because he’s yet to figure out how he’ll handle her once he finds her. It’s been a while since he’s not had a plan. Even getting the empire back, he had a plan. It may have taken longer than he would have liked, but he did have a plan.”
Sitting on the bed now in jeans and a comfy shirt, I lay next to her. “I’m sorry. That has to be stressing you out. You hide it well.”
That gets a laugh. “I do a lot of running lately. Plus, Alex is useful for that part.” She laughs more.
“At least someone is enjoying the stress.”
“True. Let’s get my brother and Alex and celebrate. I’m thinking steak and lots of wine.”
“Oh, I like that plan.” Leaving the bed, we find the guys in the office.