Page 22 of Twisted Lies

“Got it.”


“I said I got it. It may not have even been her. When I got out, the woman was gone.” Her voice croaks at the end, and I know she’s trying to gain control of her emotions. I nod, pulling away to drop her back at Mamma Mia’s. If Claire thought it was her, I would bet it was. Plus, my luck has not been the best lately. It would be one more way for the Gods to spite me.

“Back to Kevin and Mia,” Claire mutters as we pull up to Mamma Mia’s

“Not for long.” I make the vow for the both of us. Entering the restaurant, I see Lily sitting, glancing down nervously at the table. She looks up, and her eyes meet mine. I can see she’s breathing easier now that I’m here. A feeling I can’t name comes over me, knowing that my presence, while it may unnerve her, also brings her comfort—much the same as she does for me.

Claire smiles her fake smile that I’m sure Lily knows is fake and says, “Everything’s fine. But you did the right thing calling Kevin. If things feel off, you should call him.” Lily looks unconvinced and waits for more of an explanation.Too bad she’s not getting one.

“Yes. Always call me. But it’s time to go. Lily, you’re riding back with me.” Not waiting for her response and knowing she’ll follow, I turn and walk to the door.

“You going to tell me what that was about back there?” Lily asks, following me into my office. I had a feeling the questions would be coming sooner or later. I was hoping later.

Later didn’t take long. “Are you going to tell me what you were doing outside the house? I thought we had that conversation the other night,” I point out, shutting the door behind her and moving behind my desk. I start flipping through papers to distract myself from her closeness.The office feels smaller with her, and the only thing separating me from bending her over and getting this fascination out of my system is my oak desk.

“You mean where you decided I was your prisoner? That night. Yeah, I decided I didn’t much like that plan.”

“Oh, did you now? This is not a democracy. When I say jump, you say how high. That’s how this works,”I snap, attempting to swallow down my frustration.

“You cannot be that full of yourself,” she says.

“Oh, but I am.”

“Where is the fun in everyone saying yes? Where’s the challenge?” she asks, taking a step forward, placing her hands on my desk.

I can’t help the cat-like grin that spreads across my face. I was going to leave her alone. I was going to just tell her to leave and go about my evening. But with these little words, I can’t. Slipping from behind my desk, I pounce on her, sliding her back against the closed door. Her gasp of surprise gives me the perfect opportunity to slide my lips to hers. She moves her lips with my own, just as I knew she would. My fingertips dance over her arms while holding her in place. Moving from her lips to her ear, I whisper, “There are lots of good things that come along with the word yes.” Nibbling on her earlobe, I move to the sensitive part of her neck and linger, enjoying the sounds I’m drawing from her in the process.

She moves her hands to my chest and gives a light shove. Her face flashes with desire and intent as she moves us both to my desk. The back of my legs hit the desk, and I wait for her next move. Her hands move to my belt, quickly pulling it free from my pants. I let her have control. I want to see where she takes this. She tugs my pants down till they pile at my feet. Her hands slip into my briefs and she grabs my dick. I am so hard I could burst. I feel like a sixteen-year-old around her. She holds eye contact as she strokes my length. I get harder. I groan as she starts massaging my balls. I move to stop her from doing more. I want to make this last, but she moves to kiss me as she continues to move along my length.

Breaking the kiss, she moves away. “You’re right, yes does have its fun moments, but right now, no is so much better. Night, Kevin. I’m no one’s prisoner.”

The laugh escapes. She grins as she backs from the room, leaving me with my pants between my legs and my dick still hard as a rock, ready to burst.Where did this woman come from?I debate calling one of the girls from the club, but I know none will do. Lily is in my blood now. No one can compete. Guiding my hand down, I quickly finish myself off, keeping Lily in my mind. Lily is right; she is no one’s prisoner, but I’m starting to fear I might become hers.

* * *


Breathe.I can’t believe I just did that. No one dares talk back to Kevin, let alone leave him in that state. This thing between us is like a fire; it’s consuming. I know sooner or later we’ll both get burned. Being in any sort of relationship with Kevin is out of the question. Men like him don’t do relationships. Hell, I don’t do relationships. But I can’t help but like the rush of excitement I get in his presence. He’s brought back all the old trauma, but he also brought something else out of me. Something I didn’t even think I had. True desire. Not the kind that can be faked, but the real thing that makes your pulse race. The thing you maybe get with one person in a lifetime.

This is going to be one hell of an inferno.



Connor calls me early the next day, wanting me to meet the incoming shipment. The last one had issues with the final count, and the men left without double checking, which cost us thousands. The men were dealt with, but Connor wants no mistakes this time. I’m sure someone else could go in my place, but I’m still on his shit list.

Shane is already at the docks when I arrive. He nods his head in greeting, finishing his cigarette. “They should be here any minute,” he says, stomping the cigarette on the ground.

“Good. I have other things to do today.”

“Like what? Screwing that blonde chick? Aaron says you have the hots for her.”

“Aaron needs to keep his mouth shut.” I make a mental note to help with that when I get home. “Connor has a list of things to take care of.”

“He’s been in a mood lately. What do you think is up?” Shane asks.