“Oh yes, I’ll put that in a positive box. Just what I need, all of you in the kitchen making googly eyes at him,” Mia says, rolling her eyes. The teen laughs, unconcerned.
“We have lots of reservations tonight,” she says, stepping back behind her stand.
“Good. Good. Let’s keep that up. Did you eat yet?” Mia asks.
“No, not yet. It’s been too busy.”
Mia nods. “Okay, well, take a break in ten and eat. I’ll send someone else to watch the door.”
“Thanks, Mia,” the girl says, looking grateful and hungrier at the thought of eating soon.
I follow Mia to the kitchen, where we find an unfamiliar face behind the line appearing to be creating new recipes. I can’t tell if Mia is annoyed or impressed at the size of his balls, coming into an unknown space and taking over. Knowing Mia, it’s a mix between the two. Mia clears her throat. The man looks up after pulling a large piece of meat from the oven.
“Oh, hi. You must be Mia, it’s so nice to meet you. I’m Matt. I hope you don’t mind me jumping back here. I couldn’t resist. The space is amazing.” The man rushes forward, grasping her hand and shaking it vigorously. Excitement oozes off him in waves. He appears to be in his early thirties with dark hair tied in a bun on top of his head. He’s not built like Kevin or Alex, but he is in shape. His eyes are kind as he looks between us. For a moment, doubt appears in his eyes and I’m sure he’s wondering if I’m Mia.
“I can tell you’ve made yourself at home.” Mia’s tone is not thrilled, and I feel bad for the guy as his smile slips for a moment. The other cooks glance down at the floor or the food in front of them. “Let’s go into my office. We can talk there and go over some of your references.” She turns away and leads us to the back office. I close the door behind us and take the chair closest to the door. Mia sits at her desk, and he sits at the opposite end. Some of his confidence is gone.
Mia’s eyes scan the paperwork in front of her, re-reading what I’m sure she’s read twenty times. I try to hide my grin as I watch the poor guy in front of me squirm. Mia plans to hire him based on the good things she said about him in the car. His references were the best she has ever received. This squirming session is just to make sure he knows she’s the boss. I zone out as she starts to ask him questions. He seems to be more relaxed by the end of the interview. Mia asks him some of his ideas for additions to the menu and seems impressed by his answers. It only takes thirty minutes before he’s hired and re-introduced to the cooks in the kitchen. Mia is a decisive person. If she has a good feeling about someone, she goes with it and doesn’t second guess herself.
There are a few tables left when we leave the office. Mia and I sit at a table away from the windows and wait for Mark to make some of his creations for us to try. If Mia likes them, she’ll have them added by the end of next week. Mia orders me a glass of wine and water for her. We sip in silence for a few. That’s one of the other things I like about Mia; she can sit in silence, and it doesn’t feel uncomfortable. Mia stares at nothing, looking deep in thought. All of a sudden something catches her gaze and she swings in the direction of the windows. Her eyes widen, and she jumps from her seat. I go to move, and her frantic eyes meet my own as if she forgot I’m here. “No. Stay. I’ll…I’ll be right back.” I open my mouth to respond, but she’s halfway across the room.
I crane my neck to follow her, but I can’t quite catch what’s going on. She’s out the front door and crossing the street. I don’t see her. I debate if I should call Kevin. She seems extremely upset. I’ll give it another couple of seconds before I call.One. Two. Three. Digging in my purse, I find his number and hit call. It only takes one ring for him to answer.
“What’s wrong?” he demands. I can understand his concern; I don’t usually call. I text him from time to time but hardly ever call.
“I don’t know. Could be nothing…” Now I feel dumb for calling. It’s probably nothing.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” he responds, and I know I have no choice but to tell him what happened, even if I am being dramatic.
“We’re at the restaurant, and Mia saw…something…and said to wait here, but she rushed out and seemed upset. With everything that’s been going on….I thought…”
He cuts me off. “I’m on my way. Stay where you are!” With that, he hangs up. I crane my neck once more to see if Mia is on her way back inside, but I don’t see her. Hopefully, he’s close to the restaurant, and it won’t take long for him to get here. I breathe a little better, knowing he’ll be here soon.
* * *
I knew something was wrong when I saw Lily’s name flash across my screen. I miss the days when there were only one or two possible enemies. Now I can’t keep up. They seem to be on all sides. The lies keep piling up, creating enemies where there used to be none. Claire will be fine. If not, I’ll burn this whole town down. I let the anger overtake me, sharpening my senses. I keep a look out on the sidewalks and down the alleyways. I’ll find her.
Where are you? Just as I’m about to turn around and try a different way, I see her on the sidewalk. She sees me just as I pull to the side.
“Lily called,” she says as a statement, already realizing why I’ve appeared. I nod. “What happened?”
She opens the passenger side door and slides in, rolling the window up. “I…I thought I saw her.” She doesn’t elaborate on who she is. I know it.Rebecca.“I ran out to try and find her, and I don’t know…to talk to her. I didn’t really have a plan; I just needed to be close to her. You know?”
My jaw tightens, thinking about what could have happened. “Claire, I understand you remember the way she was, but she’s not that anymore. That Rebecca would never have shot me. We don’t know what she’s capable of.”
“She’s still our sister,” Claire snaps.
“By blood, yes, but is she loyal to the family?”
“What family, E? God…I know you want to get everything back, but what chances do we have of this even working? We’ll end up dead in all likelihood. When are you going to understand that?” she hisses, making a fist and hitting her thigh in frustration.
“Good to know where your belief in me starts and ends. We’re close.” Claire has no idea how close. The less people who know, the better. That includes my sister. “It’s just a little convenient that Rebecca shows up alive right when we are mere weeks away from returning to our glory.”
“Oh please, E. Don’t be so dramatic. Only you would try to find a plot with her being alive.”
“You see what you want to see. Some things don’t change,” I say, referring to the mess she got us into by falling in love with Alex. Some days I swear I need a playbook to remember who is who. From the glare she sends my way, I’ve hit a nerve. “Claire, I’m asking you to simply not put yourself into a situation that could not end well.”