“My job is to take orders and keep the others in line. Not question Connor’s decisions. You should remember that.” I give my warning just as Cian’s crew pulls up with the shipment. The deckhands turn the other way with our business for a hefty payoff. It helps that Connor has the police department in his pocket, but the more people controlled, the better.
Everything is there and accounted for. After paying, we set the next meet at a different location, and I leave to meet Connor and his sons at Murphy’s restaurant. It’s too early in the day for the restaurant to be open, but Connor has known the owner for years and has the key. The front door is unlocked, and I walk straight in. The restaurant has one large circular bar with plenty of stools along the sides and tables. It’s a large space and packed every night. I wind around tables, pass the bar, and hit the stairs. The wooden stairs creak as I move down to the lower level. “Look who decided to show up. How was the meet?” Finn, the youngest, asks. Finn is the shortest of the three brothers.
“Some of us had to do work this morning,” I state, grinning and grabbing a nearby glass, joining them at the table. Connor isn’t here yet.
“Yeah, well, if you hadn’t pissed off the old men, you could have been here with us drinking the day away,” Sean says, pouring me a drink, his red hair looking redder under the lights.
“Yeah. Yeah. It’s good for the soul to go back to the beginning,” I state, taking a drink. “How long is he going to be pissed?” I know they’ll give me the truth. Sean is close friends with James, and is a large reason I’ve gotten where I am with the organization. When they learn the truth, heads will roll. I need to make sure it’s not the ones who had my back when I needed them. Finn will understand. He saw things differently than his father. He saw grayer lines, whereas the other brothers saw in black and white. Maybe it has to do with being the youngest.
“You’re hiding something. Just tell him, and it all goes away,” Sean says, lighting up a cigarette.
“I have nothing to hide.
Owen snorts. “We all have things to hide. The difference is when the boss asks us, we answer. You keep pretending like there’s nothing.”
“You see smoke, and there is no fire,” I snap, taking a drink.
“Where there’s smoke, there’s always fire,” Finn says. “You taught me that.”Yes, I guess I did.
“In this case, there is no fire. But I hear there was a fire at Ronan’s home. Us?” I ask. At once, their faces become serious.
“No. That’s what’s concerning. He was a rat; we know that much. Dad was going to have him taken care of soon. He wanted to gain some more intel first, but he got himself killed before.” Sean speaks for the brothers now.
“Which has me asking the question if not us, then who?” Owen asks.
“Exactly,” Finn responds, adding more whisky to his glass.
“I’ll find out in the next week. You’ll have your answer,” I state, already knowing where to start. This may be my way back into the old man’s good graces. I don’t need to be there for long. Just long enough. Sean nods, knowing I’ll do as I say. You don’t get to where I am in this organization if you can’t keep your word and deadlines.
“Boys,” Connor says, entering the room. Quickly, we all stand. Finn pours his father a drink. Connor holds my gaze for a while before nodding and shaking my hand. This is his way of saying I’m one step closer to being back. Connor is many things—cold-hearted, ruthless, intelligent, fair at times, charismatic, temperamental. All his sons got a fair share of his good and bad qualities. Through the years, I have come to respect them. Hell, I even care for them at times. In the end, that won’t matter; it can’t. I need to regain my birthright, my home. When it comes time, I will betray them all. Maybe they’ll understand, but I highly doubt it.
“Kevin says he’ll find out who offed Ronan,” Owen says, grinning.
“In a week.” Finn points out my short timeframe.
Glancing at Connor, I nod, giving my word that I’ll gather the intel.
“Good. While he’s working on that, I need the rest of you to be of use. Owen, Jason is visiting. I need you to meet him in my place.”
Owen quickly works to hide his surprise. “Of course.”
“You’ll do just fine. It’s time for you to take more of a leading role,” Connor says, pride in his voice.
“Thank you for the opportunity. I won’t disappoint you.”
“Sean, I need you to go with Cian and check on the progress on their end. Finn, pick up the payments with James, and make sure everything is running as it should.” They both nod, understanding their roles.
Done with the business for the moment, Connor looks around and asks, “Did you boys see that game last night?” Owen looks excited to talk about one of his favorite topics. Sports. “Oh yeah, did you see that throw?”
I laugh and contribute what I need to the conversation, but my mind drifts. There is much to do in a short time. Finding who killed Ronan is near the top, along with my meeting with Chris. I sent him back to New York to gather more intel on one more family. Then I have everything I’ll need. Once he returns, I can rebuild with men I trust. I started years ago. None knowing of the others, just ready and waiting for my call. It’s safer this way. Soon it will all pay off. I can feel it in my bones. The Rossi family’s time is returning, and this time it will stay. No matter the cost.
* * *
Since last night and the ‘office incident’ as I’ve taken to call it, I’ve managed to avoid Kevin. I find myself peeking around corners, checking to see if he’s there until I hear some of the men say he’s with Connor. I’ve spent half the day looking at job openings till finally, I felt my eyes were going to melt from staring at the computer screen. I’m dropping some bags at the front door when Mia rushes down the stairs, exiting the house in a wheel of energy.
“What…” I start to say as Kevin appears at my side.