Page 14 of Twisted Lies

Until I can figure out what Rebecca’s end goal is, I won’t take any chances. I’m concerned she’ll go to Connor and tell him the truth. If I were her, that’s what I would do. I hope a small part of my sister is still there and does not genuinely want us dead. That part gets smaller by the day. I know Claire will fight me tooth and nail if I decide Rebecca is too big of a threat. Claire still sees her as the girl we left. The innocent girl with the biggest smile that could light up the room with her happiness. I don’t have the luxury to see that anymore. Now I see the woman who tried to kill me, who knows way too many of our secrets and the way we think.

“Why do I have a feeling the talk did not go well?” Claire asks, entering the office.

“I’m not in the mood,” I growl, hoping it’s enough, and she’ll leave.

“Oh, don’t start. You’re fine. I told you she wasn’t going for it.”

“She does not get a say,” I point out in annoyance.

“E, we both know your usual behavior won’t work on her. Maybe try a different tactic.”

“Like what?” I ask, rolling my eyes.

“Being nice. Being charming. Remember those qualities?”

“Not really. Getting shot will do that do a guy. I have tried being nice. She just…”

“Frustrates you. Intrigues you. She’s not falling into your arms like you thought she would. She’s a challenge. She wants nothing from you. I just thought I would fill in the blank with some options.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“What are sisters for?”

“You’re a pain, Claire,” I state, standing to make a drink.

“Maybe we can tell her the truth, or part of it, at least,” she says, taking a few steps forward.

Stopping mid-pour, I look at her in shock. “Have you lost it?”

“No. There’s something between you two. Maybe it’s time to let someone in.”

“You’ve lost it. Yes, Claire, there is something between us. Sexual tension, which I don’t want to discuss with my sister. Besides that, there’s nothing. The only reason I want her to stay is that I don’t want Rebecca to get a hold of her and use it in some way to get to us. If it was a normal month, she could go and never come back for all I care.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“You don’t have to,” I state, slamming the glass on the table. “Don’t you think we have enough going on without you adding more to it? If you’re not going to help, then go back to your husband.” I regret my words as hurt crosses her face. “Claire.”

“No. You know what you want. You always do. I get that a lot is going on. It’s my life too,Kevin. Next time you tell me to go, you better be prepared not to see me again.” She turns around and stomps away.

“Damn,” I mutter, finishing the glass in one large drink. All the women in the house are pissed at me now. Thank God the chef isn’t here. Otherwise, I’m sure she would throw a knife my way. Lily’s conversation threw me off so much I completely forgot I needed to speak with Claire about Alex and Jason. The girl has to go. She has to stay, but she has to go. This is going to be a long few weeks.

Alex picks up the phone quickly. “You pissed your sister off,” he says.

“It didn’t take long for her to call you.”

“She’s my wife. I’m not too fond of it when she’s upset. I don’t like you half the time, but I dislike you more when she calls me crying.”

“Claire doesn’t cry,” I say, confused. I’ve seen her cry maybe twice in our life.

“It’s been a rough few weeks for her too,” Alex says, as if I were the biggest idiot he’s met.

“I know. She should be home with you.”

“That’s what I told her, but she snapped at me for saying that. She wants to stay there with you till you find Rebecca. She’s worried about what you’ll do.”

“I’ll do what I need to. Same as you.”

“I know. She won’t like it,” Alex says grimly.