Page 15 of Twisted Lies

“If it comes to it, I need you to take her away. Lie to her if you have to.” My words are harsh, but I mean them. With Rebecca, Claire can’t see straight.

“I won’t lie to my wife.”

“It wouldn’t be the first time.” He growls at my remark. “Low blow. I know. When she thought Rebecca was dead the first time, it ate her alive. Do you really want to see her go through that?” We sit in silence as he ponders the truth of my words.

“I’ll do what I need to, Elijah. I’ll do what’s best for her.”

“That’s all I’m asking. I need to know what you told Jason. Connor thinks there’s more to what was said. That’s dangerous for all of us. I’m not sure what game you’re playing, but it needs to stop. I don’t need Connor sniffing around when Rebecca’s back from the dead, and I’m weeks away from gaining the Rossi power back.”

“You’re never going to be able to go back. If you go back, it will sign your death sentence. Again. Let it be, Elijah. Before it kills more of the people you love. The power is not worth it.”

“Says the man on a throne. Mine was taken from me. It’s my birthright. I killed and bled for my family, and I’ll get it all back. Mark my words; it will be mine again. Tell me what happened between you and Jason.”

“What I told you.”

“I don’t believe you,” I snarl.

“You don’t have to. I’ll sleep just fine knowing that. All you need to know is I would never put Claire in danger. I don’t know if I can say the same for you. Don’t let your need to gain power burn us all.” Alex hangs up.

“Dick,” I mutter, throwing the phone on the desk. That was a waste of time. Now I feel more like an ass than normal for losing my temper with Claire. She’ll forgive me. She always does.



Itossed and turned for what felt like the whole night. Going to bed pissed didn’t help. I wake up not well rested. Tossing on an old sweatshirt and leaving my cloud pajamas bottoms on, I make a quick trip to the kitchen to eat a banana. Eavesdropping, I hear a couple of the men say that Mia and Kevin left early to meet Connor. Needing to get my stress out somehow, I change into my swimsuit and go to the enclosed pool. I love to swim but don’t get the opportunity often with everyone around.

Once at the indoor pool, I toss my towel onto one of the lounge chairs and plunge into the cold water. Not waiting for my body to adjust to the temperature, I start my laps. When I was little, my mom had a friend who had an above ground pool. She would take my brother and me there to be babysat while she worked. That’s where I fell in love with swimming. There was something about having your problems slip away in the water, at least for a little while. It took years to get back in the water, not wanting to take the chance of anyone seeing the scars. Since moving in with Mia and Kevin, I started sneaking in the pool when no one was around. It’s been nice to have an escape. At first, I was paranoid someone would catch me, but no one comes here. Flipping onto my back, I float, just breathing with my eyes closed.

Sinking deep into the water once more, I pop back up and rub the water from my eyes.

I’m shocked to see Kevin sitting in the chair by the pool. How long has he been here? “What are you doing here?” I question. He’s never here. Why did he have to come here of all days?

“How did you get your scar?” he asks with his head propped against his hand.

“That’s…that’s none of your business!” I hiss, swimming to the stairs and getting out. Stomping over, I tug the towel out from under him and wrap it around my body. “Did no one ever teach you not to comment on a woman’s flaws?”

“These don’t come from a bicycling accident or falling from a tree.”

“It was a large tree. What was it you said to me last night? Oh yeah, no awards for the best detective.”

“You’re right. Keep your secrets. Be careful; some secrets will strangle you quickly while others take time. Either way, the results are the same.”

Not looking into his eyes, I stare over his shoulder, not wanting to see the truth of his words. “What are you doing here?” I ask again, needing to change the topic.

“Looking for you. Mia and I got back a while ago. Some of the men saw you come out this way.”

“Ah. You were worried I had made my escape,” I state as understanding comes.

“Not in the least. I knew you come out here when you’re stressed and think no one’s around. You’ve yet to accept I know everything that happens in my domain.”

“You are so full of it,” I state once more, rolling my eyes. I step back, but his hand grabs my arm in an iron grasp and pulls me onto the chair on top of him. My arms wrap around his shoulders in an instant to gain some balance.

His one hand rests against my back while the other grips the back of my neck, forcing me to stare into his eyes.

“You’re right, I do. It would be best for you to remember that,” he states.

Something takes over what little sense I have. I don’t know if it’s his facial expression or his tone, but I want to wipe that look off his face. The look that saysI’m in charge. Bending down, I mash my lips to his. I feel his sharp intake of breath and taste whisky on his lips, along with a small hint of mint gum.