And if the unthinkable has happened and I’m pregnant, I know what I have to do.
I don’t want my child to have the hard life I did, being raised by a struggling single mom with limited resources. If Harlan really sees a future for us, I’d be a fool to pass it up, even if I don’t love him.
It’s duplicitous, sleeping with him so I won’t have to reveal the truth of my baby’s paternity, but I want my baby to never struggle and that’s exactly what will happen if I choose Spencer. We’ll be kicked out, desperately trying to find new jobs and a new place to stay, with a baby to provide for. I can’t bear thinking about it. Better for Spencer to never know and for Harlan to never question.
The boardwalk flanking the swamp is wide, with room for at least four people to walk side by side, but I still avoid this area. Daphne had freaked me out the first week I’d been here with tales of alligators lurking in the murky depths just waiting for a snack and I’d steered clear ever since.
When we’re in the middle of the boardwalk, far enough from the house that we can see both ways if anyone’s approaching, Harlan shoots me a look I have no hope of interpreting. It’s part hopeful, part manic, and it worries me. Surely he hasn’t found out about Spencer and me and wants to shove me into the swamp?
“I’m going to confide in you, Cora, and I need you to promise me you won’t tell anyone.”
He’s piqued my interest, and I hold up my hand. “Promise.”
“I overhead my parents fifteen minutes ago. They were talking in the office and hadn’t closed the door completely. I was going to shut it when I heard my name mentioned…” he trails off, his expression pained. “They’ve always led me to believe that if anything happened to them, I’d inherit Arcania. In fact, they’ve hinted frequently that they’re ready to retire and I’m perfectly poised to take over.” His lips thin. “So imagine my surprise when I heard them say a distant cousin in Iceland will inherit Arcania if anything happens to them within the next few years because I’m too young and I’m single.”
He falls silent and I’m compelled to add, “That must’ve been tough on you hearing that.”
“It gutted me.” He makes a fist and jabs himself in the stomach, his vehemence startling. “But I’m not accepting it. I’ll make sure I inherit Arcania, and that means I need your help.”
The last thing I want is to antagonize Magnus and Helga, but Harlan needs placating. He’s wild-eyed and tense, his teeth gritting so hard his jaw juts. “Not sure what I can do, but if you think I can help somehow, just let me know.”
“I was hoping you’d say that.” His grin is sly, and it raises my hackles a little. “If me being single and deemed irresponsible is a problem, I can rectify that. Apparently, this cousin of mine is married with a family and my parents value that stability.” He waves his hand between us. “So that’s what we’ll give them. A marriage.”
His shock announcement makes the pit of my stomach fall away, and I gape as he continues. “I know this seems crazy to you, us getting married when we haven’t known each other long. But I love you, Cora. I’ve known from the beginning you’d make a perfect mistress of Arcania because you feel an attachment to this place as much as I do. And while it seems like I’m presenting a business proposal to you, think of the future we can have. We’ll be happy and Arcania will thrive. Doesn’t that sound appealing?”
I search Harlan’s face for some sign he’s joking; that this is an elaborate hoax he’s perpetuating for the fun of it. But he’s perfectly serious and I struggle to subdue a hysterical giggle.
Married at eighteen to a guy I like but don’t love is so far from what I want for my life it’s ludicrous.
But then I remember my unborn child and the secure future Harlan is offering us, and I’m not so dismissive.
Can I do this? Marry a virtual stranger for the sake of my child?
“Cora, say something.” He takes hold of my hands, infusing me with warmth. I must be in shock because my fingers are icy. “Please, say yes. I promise I’ll make you happy and we can build on the relationship we’ve started.”
I want to say no.
I want to yank my hands free from his and run as far from this place as possible.
Instead, I force a smile and nod.
By the time I absorb the implication that Spencer knew my mother and reassemble my wits to go after him, he’s vanished. I jog down the length of the corridor, but the foyer’s empty and he’s nowhere in sight.
Stunned by his revelation, I wander back to my room in a daze and flop on the bed, unsure whether to be annoyed that he didn’t tell me he knew Mom when I questioned him earlier today near the beach, or elated that I’m finally getting somewhere.
Spencer knew Mom.
And that means he’s the one person who can tell me why my reclusive mother had Arcania’s logo tattooed on her sole.
As a kid, I often badgered Mom about our lack of family. Didn’t we have one aunt or uncle or cousin? Where was she born? Did her parents do something that made her cut ties? But she’d clam up every time or get upset and I backed down. How I wish now that I hadn’t.
Had this place been a cult? Had Mom escaped? If so, that would explain her obsessional fear about not being on social media, her hermit lifestyle, her never leaving the house. What if Mom’s agoraphobia was deeply rooted in a past she fled?
I know next to nothing about the history of Arcania. My research at home hadn’t given me much beyond the basics and I hadn’t particularly cared, being swamped with grief and eager to get here to find out for myself the connection between Mom and a wellness retreat.