“Because I wanted to ask why you told me I should leave earlier.”
He stares at me, his intense scrutiny disconcerting as the awkward silence between us grows. I’m about to give up when he says, “Arcania bears witness to many secrets, and it doesn’t abide interference from outsiders.”
I want to laugh off his suggestion that the house can influence its inhabitants, but his somber expression stops me.
He’s not kidding.
“What are you saying?”
“That you should leave well enough alone.”
Exasperated by his ominous warnings, I shake my head. “I’m not here to cause trouble.”
“Then why are you here?” He points to the door leading to the tunnel. “Because most guests who come here to digitally detox don’t snoop around, especially in the tunnels.”
“There’s more than one?”
His sigh is almost inaudible. “Yes, but the rest are much deeper subterranean and very few are accessible from the inside of the house.”
My curiosity must show on my face because he tsks-tsks. “You won’t be able to find them, which is good, as they are not to be entered.”
“Quit trying to scare me off.”
I expect him to refute my accusation, but he remains tight-lipped, so I ask, “What’s beyond that chamber down there?”
The light inside the closet isn’t great, but I see Spencer pale.
After an eternity, he whispers, “You don’t want to know.”
He’s wrong. I need answers, and his whole mysterious act is wearing thin.
“Spencer, as I said before, I’m not here to cause trouble. But I’m here to find answers to an issue I can’t tell you about and I won’t give up, so you can either help me or—”
“You’re just like your mother,” he mutters, a second before he barges through the closet door and into the corridor, leaving me stunned.
I’m glovedto my elbows, scrubbing the window frames on the east wing of the house, when Harlan taps me on the shoulder.
“I need to talk to you about something important.”
I’m annoyed at being interrupted. Daphne said I only have an hour to complete this task before she needs my help in the kitchen. Then again, a lot has been annoying me lately. My mood swings over the last few weeks have been erratic. I know why. Ever since I lost my virginity to Spencer, I’ve been on edge; fearful Harlan will find out, regretful I led Spencer on, terrified I’ll lose my job.
That punch I’d drunk at the employees’ party had been potent because I never throw caution to the wind like that and once I’d sobered up the next morning, despite Spencer’s reassurances he wouldn’t tell anyone about our dalliance and his agreement to keep things casual, I couldn’t shake the feeling I’m on the edge of imploding.
“Sounds ominous,” I say, dumping the brush I’m using to scrub the sills in the bucket of suds at my feet and peeling off the gloves. “What’s up?”
He glances over his shoulder, and his expression is almost fearful. “Not here,” he murmurs, pointing toward the swamp. “Let’s talk there so no one can overhear.”
As I’ve learned over the last few weeks, Harlan is prone to theatrics. Not in a flamboyant way, but if there’s a fuss to be made, he’ll make it. I’ve seen him berate a worker for not inspecting the squash close enough before packing, I’ve seen him make a fuss over a crate of spoiled beets, and I’ve seen him slam the door on his parents after a confrontation he wouldn’t elaborate on.
It’s not in my nature to placate, especially some rich guy prone to tantrums, but for all his faults, he can be kind too. He surprised me with a picnic on the beach one night, he’s encouraged me to open up during our discussions at the cove, and he’s taught me a lot about the history of Arcania. I know he wants to take our relationship to the next level, but I’m not sure I want to. Then again, if my suspicions are correct, I may not have a choice in the matter.
I’m late.