I follow her up the last flight of stairs and along a thickly carpeted hallway to the only door on the floor. She pushes it open and pokes her head around the door then steps inside.

“We’re here,” she calls.

I step in behind her and gently close the door. I find myself in another long hallway, the black carpet here even thicker and more luxurious. The walls and ceiling are both perfect white as are all the doors. The door handles are chrome, and they all shine like they have been polished to perfection.

A door opens and I hear Summer’s mom before I see her.

“Well don’t stand out there, come on in,” she says.

“I didn’t know if you were in the living room or the dining room,” Summer says, stepping into the room.

I follow again in time to see Summer taking the hands of her mom and the pair of them kiss a cheek. Summer then moves to one side, and I get my first proper look at her mom.

She doesn’t look a day over forty, but Summer is twenty-nine so realistically, she has to be closer to fifty. Her hair is blonde, but it doesn’t look bleached blonde. She’s a little bit on the plump side but she suits it, her curves accentuated by the dress she’s wearing.

“And you must be Tyler,” Summer’s mom says.

She steps forward and shakes my hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Doctor Malone,” I say.

“Oh, now unless you’re wanting stitches or something, let’s stick to Melanie, ok?” she laughs.

“Melanie it is,” I reply.

“Sit down, both of you. I’ll get you some drinks and let your dad know you’re here. He’s making chicken curry and he’s made enough for half of the block, so I hope you’re both hungry,” she says.

“Actually Mom, Tyler is a vegan. Didn’t I tell you?” Summer says.

Melanie’s face falls but she quickly covers it with a smile.

“That’s ok, I’ll get him to find something,” she says.

“I’m not a vegan,” I say at the same time.

I give Summer a what the fuck look and she laughs.

“Sorry I couldn’t resist,” she says.

“Oh, you bugger, you had me there,” Melanie laughs. She’s still laughing as she leaves the room. “A vegan. As if.”

“What the hell was that?” I hiss at Summer when I’m sure Melanie is out of ear shot.

“I don’t know. It just came to me that it might be funny,” she says. “Seriously though, lighten up.”

“I promise I’ll lighten up if you promise not to do that again,” I say.

“Deal,” Summer says.

Melanie comes back with two glasses of white wine in her hands and a man behind her.

“Jason, this is Tyler,” she says. I stand up and we shake hands. “Tyler, this is Jason, Summer’s father. And it’s just Jason. None of that doctor shit, ok?”

“Ok,” I say.

“I don’t mean to be rude, but I really don’t want dinner to burn. We can have a proper chat later,” Jason says.

“I look forward to it,” I say with a smile and then I sit back down as Jason hurries away.