“Or they’ve never watched or read Harry Potter and they think I’m a complete loony,” I say.

“Yeah, or that,” Tyler says with a grin.

The film starts and we fall silent and start to watch. At some point, Tyler goes off to make us the promised popcorn and grabs us some sodas. I think we’re onto the third movie before Tyler’s basilisk comes out to play.



Ok, so here’s the deal. I have never in my life been shy and I have never been someone who gets nervous about meeting people. I can talk to pretty much anyone regardless of their background and I usually make a decent impression on people, or at least I think I do.

But today, I am nervous. I’m going to meet Summer’s parents for the first time and I really want them to like me. I think back to the first time I met Chloe’s parents. I don’t remember feeling nervous about it. I remember thinking along the lines of either they like me, or they don’t, it’s Chloe I’m with, not them. The fact that I don’t feel like that about Summer’s parents liking or disliking me tells me that I am falling fast for Summer. Not that I really need anything to tell me; I know it.

Up until I met Summer, I genuinely believed I loved Chloe. And I think in a way I did. I just had nothing to compare that feeling to. Now I know what falling in love really feels like and what I felt for Chloe was nothing compared to this. It’s all consuming, like Summer is my whole world. Her laugh, her smile, the scent of her, the taste of her, everything about her is perfect and amazing and I can’t get her out of my head.

I kind of want to tell her all these things but we agreed to take things slowly and I hardly think telling her she is my whole world after three and a half weeks of dating is taking things slowly. I can keep up the pretense of taking things slowly though until Summer is ready to take things to the next level. God, I hope she does want that at some point.

I swallow all of that down. I’m not going to make a good impression on Summer’s parents if I’m thinking about that kind of thing and making myself more nervous. I just have to be myself and hope to God, they like me. Or at the very least are willing to tolerate me because Summer likes me.

“Are you almost ready? We’re going to be late,” I call out to Summer.

She is still in her bedroom getting ready. I arrived to collect her fifteen minutes early so we could make a good impression. I’ve now been here for twenty minutes.

“Calm down,” Summer shouts back. “We’re going to my parents’ house. It’s not like they’re going to give our table to someone else if we’re late.”

“But it’s rude,” I shout.

I hear her laughing as she comes down the hallway.

“Oh, my parents are going to love you,” she says. “They usually give me a time half an hour earlier than they actually want me to arrive so if I’m earlier than that you’re in their good books.”

I turn around to answer her, but I stop in my tracks when I see her. She’s wearing a silver-colored thin jumper that hangs off one shoulder leaving it bare. The jumper hangs to her mid thigh and she’s wearing black leggings with it. Her hair is in some sort of clip, tendrils hanging loose around her face.

It’s a simple outfit, but on her it looks exquisite, the bit of bare skin on her shoulder making me want to tear her clothes off and see all her skin.

“You look amazing,” I say.

“Don’t let my dad see you looking at me like that,” she giggles. “You look like you want to eat me.”

“I do want to eat you,” I say. “The only thing stopping me right now is knowing it will make us even later. Now let’s go before I change my mind.”

Summer laughs again and shakes her head but she picks her purse up and drops her cell phone into it.

“Keys, keys, keys,” she says to herself as she looks around. She spots them on the countertop in the kitchen area of her open plan living space. She snatches them up and holds them up triumphantly.

“Keys,” she says again. “Ok, let’s go.”

We leave her apartment and go down to the lobby and step outside. Summer has already told me to leave my car at her place so I can have a drink tonight as her parents’ place is within walking distance of her place. While her parents could easily afford a huge place out in the middle of nowhere, they instead have opted for an apartment in the city so that they are closer to the hospital and don’t have much of a commute. We arrive at their place in under five minutes.

“It looks very similar to your block,” I comment.

“Yeah, from here maybe. Wait until you see inside,” Summer laughs. “I mean some of the smaller apartments are probably similar to mine, but Mom and Dad are in the penthouse. It’s honestly ridiculous that two people think they need that much space.”

We get into the elevator and Summer hits the button for the second to top floor. I frown at her questioningly. Didn’t she just say her parents lived in the penthouse apartment? That’s surely the top floor. Summer sees me looking and rolls her eyes.

“We’ll have to walk up the stairs to the last floor. The elevator can only go to the penthouse for people who have a card,” she says. “I have one somewhere at home but honestly, it’s easier to walk up a flight of stairs to the penthouse than it is to find the damned thing.”

We step out of the elevator when it stops. I’m pleased that we are finally free of it, because it was getting harder and harder to look at Summer’s bare shoulder and not kiss her.