Page 2 of Suck It Up

“Wait a minute…” Bernie's comically confused. His diminutive mind can't understand how a woman can have a will of her own. In his twisted imagination, we're just tits and legs with barely any braincells.

I walk out of the changing room. “You can mail me my last check.”

I know I’ll never see that money, but at least I got decent tips today.

Bernard snatches my wrist, holding me back. “You’re going to speak to them, you bitch.”

Fuck this.

I spit in his face and stomp on his foot with my four-inch heels. He yells and lets go of me. I still punch his face, and I’m not gonna lie: it’s satisfying.

Making sure my hood’s low over my eyes, I leave Silks behind for good.


I am not often summoned by my father. Adrian Hunt fills his days with a wide repertoire of preoccupations, ranging from politics to business to fucking. His son doesn't appear high on his list of priorities.

When I get to his study, I'm surprised to find him in the auspicious company of Ruben Montgomery, Arthur Fuller, Patrick Stone, and Gallad Thorn.

These five wealthy, powerful men share a great many business interests, but only one could concern all of them at once.

"What's the news at the club?" I collapse on a vacant green chesterfield.

"We have a problem." My father's jaw ticks when I lift my feet to his coffee table.

Like he doesn't have it cleaned ten times a day, anyway.

Adrian was diagnosed with OCD before I was born. He doesn’t do messy, and children are chaos, so he didn’t bother with me until I could drive, which has its advantages. He feels guilty about his neglect, and opens his wallet without blinking whenever I ask for anything.

One day, I should tell him I don’t mind. The nanny was nice enough, and I had my cousins. I could tell he didn’t dislike me, as such. There are far worse parents out there. But if I did confess to understanding him, he might stop showering me with gifts, so that can wait until after I gain unvetted access to my trust fund.

"We don't have aproblem," Ruben argues, his demeanor somewhat calm. He doesn’t fool me. I know enough of people to see he's only just restraining his rage. "We have a simple situation that requires a simple solution."

"Nothing's simple, damn you." Gallad Thorn can be a lot of fun under the right circumstances, but right now, he's opting to play the part of a cantankerous old man. "Maybe if your son had learned a little discretion, we wouldn't be in this mess to begin with."

"What mess?" I'm getting tired of being the only one in the room with no idea what's going on.

Behind his mahogany desk, my father turns the monitor of his computer to face me.

I'm shocked to stare back into a familiar pair of crisp, icy gray-blue eyes.

The candid picture of the girl in her hoodie and jeans makes no sense on my father's screen.

"This is Morgan Brown. You've met a time or two."

I incline my head.

"Morgan has a knack for hacking, and managed to go past the Montgomerys' security and into their son's computer." My father shoots a contemptuous look at Ruben.

I still have no clue what's going on. "Did she steal money?" That's the only thing that makes sense. I don't understand why petty theft would require such a gathering.

These five men are worth billions; one of them could just write a Post-It to an assistant and they'd hire someone to sort out the issue.

"I wish.” Ruben grimaces. "My son had a relationship with a someone from the west side. Lola. You may have seen her around, she’s another friend of that girl who married the Archer boy.”

I smirk. I've definitely seen a lot of Lola. Me and most of the Cali Heritage members around our age.

"I can tell the name rings a bell." My father sighs. "You may remember what happened to the girl. We kept it private for obvious reasons."