Page 3 of Suck It Up

"Of course." I'm starting to form a clearer picture. "Is Morgan looking for her?"

"She is. And she's threatening us to find her."

Holy shit. She can't possibly be that stupid,can she?

My father clicks away on his computer, and his screen shifts to a video. I watch thirty seconds of a group party I didn't partake in. Sadly. It looks like a fun affair. Four guys—Roman, Aryan Montgomery, Elliot Thorn, and Arthur Fuller—are fucking Juliet Stone, who screams for more when she's not swallowing cock. That explains the current company: the parents or guardians of everyone involved. My father's representing Roman's interest, because his own father is either absent or indifferent, and they likely didn’t want to worry my aunt with this.

My cock tightens in my pants. I didn't know Juliet could take two cocks in her ass.Roman will get an earful for not inviting me.

"The girl sent an ultimatum. Either Aryan tells her what happened to her friend, or she releases that video publicly, tagging all parties involved."

I'm speechless.

It’s common knowledge that Aryan Montgomery’s a Heritage legacy. Who in their right mind would try to coerce one ofus? Morgan has no fucking idea how much she bit off.

"How can I help?"

If they’ve called me here, if they've told me all this, it's because they want me to do something about it.

I don't have to ask why. When I was sixteen, they playfully set up challenges for Roman, Rhys, and I, making us compete against each other on irrelevant errands like seeing who could get the best deal at a market with twenty bucks, or who could earn a kiss from a stranger fastest. I always won. After my last birthday, when I officially joined the Heritage, I earned the signet ring I wear on a chain around my throat—the Heritage’sH, with an Alpha incorporated in the design—signifying that I’m the leader of my specific age group. Whenever there’s an issue with the eighteen to twenty-one set, they come to me.

Most of my assignments are about keeping my peers in check. They’re bored young kids with too much money at their disposal; there’s rarely a week without a drug problem, sex scandal or fight for me to resolve. I have to issue warnings, make some young, arrogant legacy kids knock off their behaviors. They tend to fold, knowing that if they don’t comply, the Heritage will start issuing sanctions they wouldn’t like. On them, and on me. Which means that I’d make their life a living nightmare for fucking with mine.

From time to time, the board wants me to seduce someone, and extend an invitation to join our ranks if they fit our mold. Occasionally, I have to spy, or extract information from one of my friends.

I’ve been Alpha for ten months, and I’ve never failed. I take pride in the position.

Still, what they're asking of me today is a lot different.It’s not one of us I have to handle, it’s someone outside of our circle, for one. Getting her in line won’t be as easy as to remind her who she’d deal with if she doesn’t fold. And she didn’t just inconvenienced us accidentally; she chose to threaten Aryan.

No wonder the board is ruffled.

"Do you thinkyou can bring her to heel? It’s a little out of your usual scope, but there are a few points you can apply pressure—a sister, a mother."

I scratch my chin, considering. "It won't be easy. She's close to Erica—the girl who just married Chase."

I don’t have to spell out the obvious: Morgan might not have much sway in this world, but Chase Archer, and by extension, his wife, are another story.

Besides, I don’t want Heritage business to come between my friend and I.

Patrick Stone sighs. "We'll have to take care of her, then."


I know what “take care” of means.

We have a simple situation that requires a simple solution.

Some of them want her dead. And no wonder. If that video sees light, we'll have shitloads of attention we don't need.It would be one thing if it only showed some of the guys—men always bounce back from sexual scandals—but Juliet’s future would be in jeopardy. She’s one of us, and that’s unacceptable. Worse yet, some eager journalist might pay attention to the names and notice that everyone involved belongs to a certain respectable private club.

The Heritage is known for its exclusive member list, its many charitable endeavors. We certainly do all that. No one needs to know that we also fuck each other’s brains out behind closed doors. It’s no one’s business but our own. Morgan needs to be deal with.

"I'm not saying I can't do it." Especially knowing that declining the assignment means costing the girl her life.

I'm a lot of things. A murderer isn't one of them.

For now.

"I'm just saying I need a lot of leverage to ensure she keeps her mouth shut. I don't want Chase on my ass about this."