Page 118 of Suck It Up

I barely sleep, which is the only reason why I'm irritated this morning—or so I tell myself as I glare at my roommate.

I’ve avoided her all week, but this Friday, I refuse to run.

Somehow, she chooses today to linger more than she usually does, humming as she walks in and out of the bathroom, working on her hair and makeup for the day.

I'm trying to focus on my engineering paper, and her cheerful bustling is grating on my nerves.

My annoyance is purely due to her disturbing my studies, and my lack of sleep. It has nothing to do with remembering her folded in two while Camden drove his cock in and out of her a week ago.

The alarm rings on my phone, and I sigh.

"Are you getting ready to go see Camden?" Skylar asks cheerfully.“I know you don’t have classes on Friday.”

I narrow my eyes at her and nod my head once.

"I could do your hair if you'd like?" she offers. "I have a bit of time to kill."

What is her game? "No, thanks. I'm running a little late."

I don't know how true that is; I've never walked to Camden's house at the end of the main avenue, after the long row of fancy student houses leading out of campus. I don't think it'll take me more than an hour, but I don't want to risk arriving after ten and earning one of Camden's pointed punishments for it.

I have zero doubt that it's exactly what that night was: a punishment. He fucked my roommate and made me watch, then dismissed me, because he knew I'd hate it. He played on my insecurities, my fear of being unwanted, not being enough, showing me what I already knew: there are dozens of girls lining up to take my place, and if he gets tired of me, I’m replaceable.

He used Skylar to send that message, and she let him.

"No worries. The messy bun thing works for you," she assures me kindly.

She's as nice as ever, and I can't reconcile her actions now with what happened in the middle of the night last Thursday.

I decide to stop the nonsense and just ask."How did it make you feel? Fucking Camden in front of me."

I’m tired of running and hiding from her. I’m not trying to start a fight, so much as understand her. I feel like once I do get her, I’ll stop fearing what she’ll do to me next. Mistrusting her offers of friendship, expecting her to find other ways to humiliate me like she did last week. Is she smug; does she feel powerful for fucking a guy who came to see me? Neither seem like her.

Skylar doesn't miss a beat. "Hot. I mean, he was selfish as fuck—I hope he's not like that with you, for your sake. But I liked that he used me while you watched. Didn't you?"

My mouth opens and closes. That's a loaded question. On one hand, I fucking hated it, but there's no denying that watching them aroused me as much as it pissed me off.And Camden’s words afterwards? They cut to the quick.

"Didn't it bother you? That he was using you to get to me?" I wince, because my words are crueler than I want them to be.

"Not at all," she breezes. "You guys have your thing. I know the score, and I'm not trying to put myself in the middle of it, promise. You can trust me, Morgan.”

I shake my head in confusion.

“Camden said I could answer your questions if you asked. Shoot.”

"I don't really get why you'd let him—do that to you without respecting you."

It’s true. Camden hadn't been respectful at all toward Skylar. He hadn't even tried to make her come. I'd have hated what he did to her last week.

I think back to when he made me bend over and take my ex’s cock just two weeks ago. I guess respect isn’t really his thing. Who am I to judge Skylar when I let him do that to me? But at least I didn’t have a choice. I made a deal with him, and my obedience is paid for. I don’t get whyshe’dput up with it.

Unless she likes it as much as you do.

"It's a nice room, isn’t?” Skylar comments, looking around with a knowing smile. “And the school. And my wardrobe. My car, too. I'm a petal, Morgan. The Heritage is spending a lot of money on my education, on my comfort, and my desires. That's what I do in exchange."

I gasp as I take her in, serene as ever.

I assumed she had rich parents. She certainly is comfortable with these luxuries. "You mean, they pay you to…"I wet my lips, trying to find words that aren’t too offensive to describe prostitution.