Page 117 of Suck It Up

I bend down to her bed to turn her bedside table lamp on."That's quite a bit of clothing you're wearing under there."

She giggles, andgladlyhops on top of her covers. Ismirkas I hear a gasp behind me. I don't glance back to Morgan, forcing myself to keep my gaze locked on Skylar, who's busywiggling out of her tiny PJ shorts, then the bra covering her generous breasts.

I quite like a good, heavy pair of tits, actually, though Morgan's aren't more than a handful. She'd make up for any lack on that department with her biteable bubble butt if I felt like she needed to, but in truth? I like her tits. I like touching them, watching them. I can't wait to get a taste, taking my time with them.

The engorged breasts held up for me by Skylar's dainty hands do little for the hard member in my pants, but I still move over her and lower my mouth to one of her nipples, as one of my hands travels to her clit.

Skylar is responsive, moaning under my every touch, but the only reason my cock twitches is because of the woman watching me. Watching us.

I give in and look up, just this once, my eyes meeting Morgan's across the bedroom.I drink it all in. The shock, the outrage, the arousal, and the fury.

My gaze stays fixed on her as I unzip my trousers, free my cock, and enter Skylar's hot cunt.

Though she's wet, I did little to prepare her for me, so the walls of her pussy grip me in protest, but Skylar arches her back to let me in, welcoming the harsh intrusion.I lift her legs over her head to give Morgan a better view, and start to fuck her hard and fast, artlessly, with no other goal than my upcoming release.

I'm not trying to make it last, or even make it good for her, though by the way shewhimpersand pants, I succeed.Crouchedover her, I plow in and out of her, assuaging some of my need. Hers isn't the cunt I'd prefer to screw, but it'll take the edge off. In the distance, I hear the campus's bell ring twelve distinctive strikes. Midnight. I could stop right now, spread Morgan's smooth thighs apart and sink into her instead. Part of me wants to. The other part knows this is exactly what both of us need right now. Morgan is a little brat with me, and I have to show her that her actions have consequences.She chooses to push me away with her words? I’ll let her know I don’t need her.

It’s a lie, but one she should believe. If she had any inkling as to how much I want and need her, she’d wrap me around her little finger and move me like her puppet. I won’t have that.

I sink into Skylar one last time, coming inside her with a grunt. It's not as pleasurable as I'd like, but one look into Morgan's big, wide eyes, and I'm satisfied.She hates this. She’s entirely insecure in this relationship of ours, and she’s ready to believe the lie I’ve just shown her: that she’s not important to me.

Each of my actions thus far have made it clear that I considered her something precious, something I didn’t want to lose. Now that I have her bound to me until the end of the school year, I can pretend otherwise.

My gazeremainingon the woman across the room, I unsheathe my cock from Skylar and shove it back in my pants.

Skylar pouts. "I was almost there."

I don't bother to reply. We both know the quick fuck wasn't about her. It wasn't even about me.

She lowers her legs back on the bed and spreads them apart to slip her hand where she needs it. I don't doubt she's proficient in making herself come, so I leave her to it.

I cross the room, and lean over Morgan, who glares at me, sitting up on her bed.

I might have literally just come, but my cock jerks all the same, stiffening in my pants. It’s ready for another round, provided it’s with her.

"Looks like I don't need you today after all, princess." I leer, seeing her gray eyes flash.

"Good," she snipes, showing her teeth.

Like that mouth of hers hasn't fucked things up for her enough already.


I avoid everyone for the entire week, even my well-meaning roommate, which is a feat given that we live together. I haunt the library, staying until they close at eleven. At the dorm, I either disappear in the shower or pretend to sleep when she’s around.

Outside, I run. I can’t deal with how fuckingangryI am at her. Why should I be?

I can’t get the memory of her with Camden out of my mind. It’s driving me insane. And the fact that he dismissed me, deeming me useless right after, isn’t something I plan on addressing anytime soon.

It’s good he didn’t want me. I don’t want to be used for his pleasure every Friday. I just don’t.

Whenever I so much as glimpse a hint of broad shoulders, golden eyes, and dark wavy hair, I dash in the opposite direction.

On Thursday night, I’m putting my phone down before crashing when the device vibrates and displays one single message.

Camden: 10am, my place. Wear a dress. And there’ll be no need to put on any underwear.

* * *