The last one I’m not sure of, but I’m feeling all of those things too.
Wren smiles, but it falls flat when he drops his eyes.
‘Wren, what’s wrong?’ I brush my thumb over his bottom lip, now noticing the faint bruise he put there earlier.
‘Nothing.’ He gives a soft shake of his head as he kisses my thumb and pulls me back to his chest. When he presses his cheek to the top of my head, he whispers, ‘Nothing at all.’
* * *
When I arrive at school the next morning, I find Audrey and Clive waiting for me at our table. Clive had texted us earlier to let us know that all the grade twelves had a free period this morning – something to do with end-of-year celebrations.
The day couldn’t have started off any better, so instead of getting a lift in with Audrey, I walked to school. It’s been a while since I enjoyed a walk just for the sake of it. The sun is brighter today, and everything feels fresh, like I’m seeing it all for the first time. As I walked, the trees were so green, the flowers so pink, so purple, so every colour under the sun.
‘Til?’ Clive says, interrupting me from my daydream. ‘You’re looking mighty happy this morning.’
I shrug. ‘It’s a just a good day, that’s all. Can’t a girl be happy these days?’ I take a sip from my water bottle, not trusting myself not to say anything else.
It’s not that I don’t want to tell my best friends about what happened between Wren and me, it’s just that I don’t want to jinx it. I’m having some serious feelings for this guy who might rip my heart out, and I don’t want an I-told-you-so from Clive.
He stares at me for a moment, analysing every inch of my white lie, as Audrey drapes an arm over my shoulders, and rests her head on one. She’s humming a tune I don’t recognise as she stares off into the distance. Clive’s focus should be on Audrey, not on me. I’m not the one singing to herself right now.
Clive puts both hands on his hips. ‘Hold up. What is with the two of you?’
‘What do you mean?’ I say. ‘I’m good. Audrey, what about you?’ At least I try to take the attention off myself. It works for a moment.
Audrey sighs as though remembering something, her face flushing. ‘I think I’m in love.’
‘Excuse me?’ Clive raises an eyebrow.
‘I just had the best orgasm of my life. Koby went down on me in the girl’s change rooms, and holy fuck can that boy make me come.’
My drink comes flying from my mouth onto the table. Those words were not what I was expecting to come out of Audrey’s mouth. She rarely uses curse words, but, I mean, I don’t blame her. What is it with those boys and their mouths?
‘Oh. My. God,’ Clive says. ‘We need to go on a double date, you know, get all of us together. Actually, why don’t we all go? Koby can bring Wren, and we’ll bring Matilda.’ His eyes bounce between Audrey and me, his bum practically hovering above the seat.
I squeeze my mouth shut to stop the grin spreading over my face. It makes me wonder if Wren is feeling the same as me this morning. Just the mention of his name sends my stomach into knots, and my skin covered in warmth at the reminder of him inside me. Will he even speak to me this morning? Or will he ignore me like nothing happened between us? Jesus, why am I even thinking such bullshit?
Clive clicks his fingers in front of my face. ‘Spill the beans. Now.’
Audrey snaps out of her daydream. ‘Wait, what are we talking about?’
‘Ask Matilda.’ Clive crosses his arms, attempting to give me attitude.
Audrey tilts her head my way, making my cheeks heat. I cover my face as I try to hide from their probing eyes.
‘Don’t you dare skimp on us, missy,’ Clive says. ‘You know I will get it out of you, eventually.’
‘We had sex,’ I say through my hands, muffling my voice. Just saying it out loud feels so surreal, but it’s enough to send my vagina into tiny convulsions as it begs me to climb on top of Wren again.
‘What was that?’ Audrey says. ‘I didn’t quite hear you.’