‘We had sex, Christ. Happy now?’ I glance around after my outburst, hoping no-one else heard my confession.

Clive chokes. ‘Baby, Christ isn’t going to save you.’

Audrey nods her head. ‘I knew it,’ she says. ‘When you told me you were walking this morning, I knew something was up.’

Clive jumps over the table to hug me. ‘Honey, I’m so proud of you. And here I was thinking you were going to have daddy issues your whole life.’

I smack him in the chest. ‘Shut up.’

‘So, tell. Me. Everything. I want details. Is he big? Oh God, he’s big isn’t he? I knew it. He gives off that big dick energy.’ Clive rests his chin on one hand as he waits for me to spill the beans on the size of Wren’s penis. I’m surprised he hasn’t passed out from the lack of oxygen getting to his brain.

‘I’m not telling you guys shit. It’s private.’ I hold my chin up as though I’m some high lady. With what Wren’s done to me, I’m definitely not that.

‘Since when have you ever kept anything like this from us?’ Audrey says.

‘It’s different with him. Plus, it only happened yesterday.’

‘So his penis just fell into your vagina?’ Clive smirks at me, one perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised.

‘Christ, fine, we’ve made out a few times, and then we were studying yesterday. One thing led to another…’ I shrug, my whole body warming at the memory.

‘You’re falling for him,’ Audrey says, nudging me.

‘I am not.’

Clive nods his head. ‘Oh, honey. Yes, you are. If you could see your face right now.’

I bury my face in my hands again. ‘Fuck. Am I that obvious?’

Audrey rubs my back. ‘Have you told him how you feel?’

‘No way.’

‘Why not?’

‘Because it’s Wren. He doesn’t do feelings.’

‘Are you sure about that?’ Clive lifts his chin, his gaze hovering over my shoulder as he bites the side of his bottom lip.

When I turn my head, Wren, Koby, Emerson and Will are cruising towards us. Wren has his hands tucked into his pockets as Emerson and Koby kick a soccer ball between them. Will is scratching the back of his neck as he stares at his phone.

Is this us now? One big happy family? I swallow the lump in my throat.

Wren is so relaxed, and he looks sexy as hell in that school uniform. That white shirt hugs his chest so beautifully that I find myself sighing before it registers that Wren is actually coming over.

Audrey climbs over the table, giving me a flash of her lacy black underwear, and races towards Koby, jumping into his arms the moment she’s close enough. Their lips crash together before a teacher blows a whistle, motioning for them to separate.

‘Busted,’ Emerson says, throwing the ball at Koby’s head. It just misses his face, prompting Audrey to squint her blue eyes at him. ‘Sorry,’ he says, his hands up so Will can pass the ball back to him.

We all burst out laughing, as Wren, the boys and Audrey join us at the table. Koby looks like he’s just won the lottery as he stares at Audrey, and I can’t help but imagine what’s going through his head right now.

‘How was your morning?’ I say to Koby, attempting to stop the grin on my face.

He winks at me. ‘The best.’

Audrey smacks me in the arm, her face a bright pink as she shoves her face in her hands. ‘Oh. My. God.’

‘It’s okay baby,’ Koby says, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. ‘You can brag about me.’