‘Fit any more in that mouth of yours?’ I raise an eyebrow as Koby grins at me, sauce dripping down his chin.
Emerson scrunches up his face. ‘Bloody hell, how do you even pick up? You’re disgusting.’
‘My brilliant personality. And my body. Obviously.’ Koby wipes his face with the back of his hand, then attempts to wipe it on Emerson’s white shirt.
‘Gross.’ Emerson launches himself at Koby, who’s in hysterics, mouth open, food flying everywhere. ‘You’re fucking dead.’
I roll my eyes and move down the bench away from those two to sit opposite Will. While Koby and Emerson sling each other with profanities, Will glances up from his laptop again.
‘You good, man?’
‘Yeah. As good as I can be, I guess. How’s things at home?’
Will rubs his forehead. ‘Same as every day. Can’t wait until this year is over. I’m fucking out of here. How’s your mum?’
I drum my fingers on the table, keeping my focus on someone’s chewed-up gum. ‘Doing okay so far. We’ll see.’
‘That’s promising,’ Will says. ‘She’s a good woman. Let me know… you know, if there’s anything I can do.’ He clears his throat before glancing at the other two. ‘Lend an ear, if you need it.’
‘Yeah, she is,’ I say. ‘Thanks, bro.’
He nods, saying nothing else. What else is there to say? I don’t want to think about it, let alone talk about it, but I know Will is only asking because he cares.
Although, I’m not sure what he can do. The doctors can’t seem to do anything, so there’s no hope for the rest of us.
My mum has been like a mum to him, though, letting him stay over when his dad has had too much to drink and starts using his fists against Will and his brother. All I know is his mum took off when he was twelve, leaving him to look after a nine-year-old and a drunk fuckwit.
One good thing about my dad is that he doesn’t drink. Being absent is his way of showing us he doesn’t give a fuck.
We’ve all got our shit to deal with, though. Some more than others. But shit all the same. I can’t bring myself to think of the future, so I don’t. I’m not like those people who have their whole lives planned out before they’re old enough to wipe their own arses.
At the moment, I’m living each day as it comes, trying not to fuck up so badly that I end up in jail or dead.
Koby slaps my arm with the back of his hand, his body going rigid as he stares off into the distance. I follow his gaze to find Audrey walking our way. Doing a double take at Koby, I close his mouth, glad to see the tomato sauce from moments ago is cleaned from his chin.
The guy has no game. Even Emerson and Will sit there like stunned mullets. I’m surprised Will tore his eyes away from his laptop long enough to even notice Audrey.
I shake my head and clear my throat as I stand up. ‘Christ, would you lot get a grip?’ I say under my breath before Audrey reaches us. ‘It’s bloody embarrassing.’
But my words fall on deaf ears. At least they aren’t blind. That’d be a shame. The woman is gorgeous with her dark hair and fair skin, but she’s not my type. Although, I didn’t even know I had a type until recently.
‘Hey boys,’ Audrey says as she stops in front of Koby, her pretty mouth set in a smile, her perfect teeth on full display.
She’s hot, but I search for her best friend, finding her with Clive as they head towards the main building. She keeps her head down almost as though she’s avoiding making any eye contact with me. Can she feel my eyes on her? I fucking hope so.
‘Hey Audrey,’ I say with a nod, as I grab my backpack and sling it over one shoulder.
She smiles at me as though she knows something I don’t. ‘Hey Wren,’ she says then her focus turns to Koby again. ‘Care to walk me to class?’
Seems the boy does have game after all. Although, I’m still not sure how. He’s still standing there staring at Audrey as though she might vanish. But, good for him. Maybe I’ll be prying pointers from him soon enough if I can’t get my shit together for longer than five minutes around Matilda.
‘Fuck, yeah.’ He clears his throat. ‘I mean… of course.’
Christ. Class act, right there. I push my fingers into my eye sockets as I shake my head.
Even Emerson hasn’t made a move – or a sound – while he watches on, eyes bulging at the exchange between Audrey and Koby. Will grabs his collar, pulling him away before he does more damage to Koby. I’m only imagining the thoughts running through Emerson’s head at the moment.
Koby holds out an arm for Audrey to lead before stepping up beside her, his eyes almost falling from their sockets when she tucks her hair behind her ear and smiles up at him. I’ve never known him to be lost for words around girls – even if what comes out is rubbish – but this one has him stumped. What is it with these women that has us idiots fumbling over ourselves? Besides the obvious, of course.