‘Don’t be cute. You’re lucky you have both of us, or you’d have no style.’

I look down at my clothes. ‘What do you mean?’

‘Matilda, school uniforms don’t count. They look horrendous on everyone. Well, everyone except me, of course.’ Clive slicks his hair back with one hand as he tilts his chin up, pretending to admire himself in a mirror.

‘I like my style, thank you very much,’ I say, crossing my arms over my chest, feeling suddenly exposed.

‘And I like horror movies, doesn’t mean I want to be in one.’

‘Gee, thanks Clive. Don’t let my feelings get in the way of your opinion.’

He pats my knee, giving it a quick squeeze. ‘No problem, sweetie. There’s still hope for you yet.’

I look at Audrey, who just waves off Clive’s comments. One thing about Clive is that he does not apologise for who he is. And I would never ask him to. He is honest – sometimes brutal – but he is also loyal. What more could a girl ask for when stumbling her way through high school?

When the bell rings for third period, I stand and stretch my muscles. Training these last couple of weeks has me sore more often than not, and sitting in one position doesn’t help.

Audrey hugs me before explaining to us she’s going to talk to Koby, which leaves me with my mouth hanging open, and Clive telling her he’ll pray for her vagina.

After Audrey has swayed her hips over to the boys, Koby’s mouth mimicking mine from minutes ago, I hug Clive, promising to send him a snap of my chosen outfit tonight so he can give his approval. Apparently, I need at least a week to get organised.

The rest of the day goes by uneventfully. I don’t see Wren again, for which I’m thankful. But I know we have to get started on our assignment, and there’s no point fighting it any longer, so I decide I’ll text him tonight.



* * *

Koby sits across from me at the table, shoving hot chips covered in tomato sauce into his mouth. ‘We going to that party next Friday night? The one at Danny’s?’

‘I’ll go,’ Emerson says. ‘Will?’ He nudges Will, who is typing on his laptop.

The only sign he’s listening is the flicking up of his eyes for a second before his focus goes back to his screen. If he’s not sketching, he’s doing something shady online. I never ask, and he never tells.

‘Wren?’ Koby says.

I shrug. ‘Fuck, why not?’

I’ll take any distraction I can get at the moment. And if Matilda is there, even better. She’ll likely be at plenty of them, considering it’s nearing the end of grade twelve. There are parties almost every weekend until the end of the term.

There’s the one at Danny’s next Friday, and likely more to come. I can’t stand the guy, to be honest, but he throws a pretty decent gig. And there are always plenty of women. Not just high school girls, either. We often get ones a couple of years older, so I don’t complain.

‘I reckon there’ll be some hot babes there,’ Emerson says, reading my mind, as he nudges Will again.

Will closes his eyes, his nostrils flaring. ‘I swear to God, Emerson, if you fucking nudge me one more time, I will pull your intestines through your mouth.’

‘Jesus,’ Emerson says. ‘That’s a little aggressive, don’t you think?’

Will just glares at Em before he goes back to his laptop.

‘Someone’s in a mood,’ Emerson says under his breath.

‘What was that?’ Will’s eyes flick up again.

Emerson clears his throat. ‘Nothing.’

‘I’m in,’ Koby says as he shoves another forkful of chips into his mouth. I’m surprised he’s even using a utensil.