“No, listen to me.” I grab his arm and try to take the hysteria out of my voice. “Stay today. We’ll keep the curtains closed and stay inside. That isn’t out of the ordinary for me. Even if the cops do park outside or watch, they won’t see a difference. They’ve gotten lax anyway. They don’t think you’d come back here since it’s fucking insane. You can leave after dark tonight. Just don’t go now.”
Indecision furrows his brow, and he hesitates before replying. “El, one day together won’t be enough. You still won’t want me to go.”
He’s right. I’d keep him hidden here for as long as it takes if it were up to me. “I know. With you, only forever is enough, but I’ll settle for today. I want to know what’s going on once you tell Lowell.”
With a sigh, he finally nods and sits on the edge of the bed. My jaw falls open when he pulls out a phone. I knew he was keeping in touch with him, but I figured it was by email or something. He left his phone at the shop.
“It’s a burner phone. Not in my name,” he says when he sees me staring. He pulls out a battery and a sim card from the pocket of his jeans that are lying on the floor. “It’s supposed to be hard to trace but I keep it completely inactive between calls just in case.”
“He won’t be in his office yet,” I point out. “It’s barely five a.m.”
“I’m not calling his office. I’m not the only one with a burner phone.” He puts a finger to his lips, and I nod.
All I can hear is Alden’s end of the conversation as he explains everything to Lowell. I scribble down the name of the hospital and the approximate date when he had the rabies treatment done, then hand it to him. He relays the information to Lowell, and they talk for another couple of minutes. Finally, Alden says, “Okay, three o’clock. Got it.”
It takes every ounce of self-control not to pounce on him for answers the second he hangs up. He pops the battery and sim card back out, then puts it all on the nightstand.
“He’s going to call me back at three.”
“Did he say how long to get the records?” Please don’t let this be another “give me a week” situation.
“No, he said he’ll request the records from the hospital and get in contact with the forensic biologist to see the best way to go about using the information, testing and everything. I’ll find out more at three o’clock, hopefully.” He shucks off the clothes he just put on. A small smile grows on his face, and he reaches out to me. “In the meantime, I could use some sleep. You look exhausted too. Nap?”
“You’re out of your mind if you think I can sleep now,” I scoff, crawling into bed with him.
He wraps his arms around me and nuzzles my neck. “Ella?”
“How the fuck did I get bitten by a bat?”
Despite my claim to the contrary, once I’m cuddled in Alden’s arms, watching his chest rise and fall peacefully, it doesn’t take long to fall asleep. It’s been such an emotional night. We sleep until noon and he’s inside of me again moments after our eyes open. Neither of us can stop touching the other for very long.
We finally head downstairs to make something to eat and wait. Both of us check the clock way too often, waiting for three o’clock to see where we stand. A couple of minutes before three, Alden reassembles his phone while I step outside to my mailbox. It’s something I do every day and lets me check to see if we’re being watched.
“No sign of police,” I report to Alden.
His phone rings, and I grab his arm when he reaches for it. “Please put it on speaker this time.”
His nod is reluctant. I know he doesn’t want me involved but we’re past that. I’m about as deep as it gets.
“I have good news for you,” Lowell begins.
Alden flashes me a hopeful half smile. “Thank fuck. Let’s hear it.”
“The state tracks all vaccinations and prophylaxis treatment when it comes to rabies. All doctors, hospitals, and clinics are mandated to report to the health department. I’ve obtained the necessary records from the state health department.”
My hand finds Den’s and squeezes tight as Lowell continues.
“It shows that you were vaccinated for rabies. According to these records, Oliver was not. I’ve been advised by the forensic biologist that a titer test will show whether or not you have antibodies in your blood from a rabies vaccine. If your blood contains antibodies, it should be sufficient to prove you aren’t Oliver.”
Alden’s shoulders relax, and I see relief wash over his face. “What do I do now?”
“First things first, you need to turn yourself in. We don’t want the court to drag its feet on testing so here’s what I need you to do. Kincorp Lab is willing to draw your blood today, but they’re only open for another hour. I want you to meet me there for the titer test. I’ll text you the address. Once we’re there, I’ll contact the prosecution to let them know you’re surrendering, and they can come and get you. There’s no other way, Mr. Stokes.”
My stomach sinks. There’s no way to avoid him going back to jail, at least temporarily. “Couldn’t they argue that Oliver was vaxxed too and there’s no record of it?”