Page 52 of Almost Us

Lowell doesn’t quite manage to hide his exasperation at hearing my voice, but he answers me. “Possibly, but Oliver lived in Indiana his whole life, even through college. If he were vaccinated, it’d be on file. I can’t promise that the prosecution will drop the charges, but it’s likely. We’ll also be petitioning to legally declare his identity, so we can essentially bring him back to life on paper.”

“Okay.” Alden runs his hand through his hair. “I’ll meet you there.”

“Don’t get out of your vehicle or go inside until you see me,” Lowell cautions, before they hang up.

Alden looks at me, then pulls me into a hug. “It’s okay. It’s going to be over soon. No more running or hiding after today.”

I nod against his chest and steel myself not to burst into tears. He’s right. This is good news.

“I have to go. The car I’m using is parked in a strip mall on the other side of the highway. It’ll take me a bit to get to it through the woods.”

“No way. I’m taking you.”


“Either I take you or I go there anyway. You aren’t going alone. You’re turning yourself in. The lawyer will be there. I won’t be in any danger.”

His frown deepens. “And if we get caught on the way there?”

“We won’t. You’re more likely to be caught crossing the highway on foot.”

He stares at me for a moment, then finally nods. “Okay, let’s get ready.”

My car is parked in my garage so there’s no worry over him being seen getting into it. I fold one side of the backseat down and he climbs in, then wriggles back into the trunk. He grabs the back of the seat and pulls it up to conceal himself. Police have never stopped me or searched my car before but it’s better to be safe.

“Are you okay?” I ask, before starting the car.

“There’s something poking me in the ass, but yeah, I’m good.”

It’s a good thing we took the precaution. When I pull out of the garage, a squad car is back in its usual place at the end of the street. My heart is in my throat, but I act natural, ignoring them like I usually do.

Once we’re on the highway and I’m sure we’re not being followed, he crawls out of the trunk but stays low in the back seat. It’s a good thing the lab isn’t far away because I don’t dare to speed and chance getting pulled over.

I spot Lowell leaning against a silver SUV as I pull into the parking lot. “He’s here.”

We get out and Alden takes my hand while we walk to meet him. They exchange a quick greeting and Lowell leads us inside.

They clearly know we’re coming. Once Alden has filled out a sheet with all of his information, we’re taken back to a room to have his blood collected. When Lowell excuses himself to step out into the hall, Alden and I exchange a fraught look. He’s calling the cops. Our minutes together are numbered now.

The tech is friendly while she draws three tubes of blood from his arm. “How long do results usually take?” Alden asks, as Lowell joins us again.

“Three to four weeks is our typical turnaround.” She glances up at Alden. “Unless a test is expedited. That’s up to the lab director.”

“Where can I find him?” Lowell asks.

“Turn right and his office is the last door on the left.”

“Thank you.” He regards Alden before going to hunt down the director. “If you have anything on you that you don’t want to possibly lose during your detention, leave it with Ella now.”

Alden nods and reaches into his pocket. He hasn’t bothered to bring the burner phone. It’s lying disassembled back at my place. The only thing he hands me is our shiny, oval coin. His smile is sad. “Hold onto our luck for me. I can’t chance losing it.”

Nodding, I let the tears that have been threatening run down my face as I accept it and tuck it into my pocket. Alden stands up and pulls me into a hug. “Are you scared?” I ask.

“Nah, it’s not that bad. I’ll be okay. I’m ready to get all of this over with.”

Lowell opens the door. “They’re moving him to the front of the line. Results will be in Monday.”

Alden smiles down at me. “Six days. We can do that.”