Page 9 of Frostbite

“I was lucky.” He closed his eyes. It was all he could manage without his voice cracking, betraying the emotion that welled within him—guilt, fear, relief…anger.

Ryan’s grip around her was firm, holding her body tight against the solid planes of his chest, torso and legs. Bethany could feel his heartbeat, the rise and fall of his every breath, and the soft brush of hair from his legs tickling her skin. She felt safe; safer than she ever had before.

Freezing and lost in the woods, when she’d thought it was over, she realized how desperately she wanted to live. How desperately she wanted another chance to let Ryan show her how. And a second later, she’d heard her name, and his arms came around her.

Now, as she peered up at him from her warm cocoon, she realized her goals didn’t have to change, didn’t have to suffer. There was a connection between them, and she didn’t want to sever it. They were alone. This was their time, their chance to be together.

His jaw was set, lips pulled in a taut line. He wouldn’t look at her. Even without the benefit of his expressive eyes, she could read the frustration and fear etched across his face. She’d risked both of their lives because of her own stupid, rash actions.

The bitter irony of the situation wasn’t lost on her.

She swallowed hard and rested her hand over Ryan’s heart. “I could have died out there. If you’d turned back, I would have.”

He looked down at her. “I wouldn’t have turned back, not until I found you.”

“So we both could have died.”

Ignoring her statement, he tightened his arms around her. The muscles, bunched so tightly throughout his body, seemed to loosen a bit with his next breath. “You’ve stopped shaking.”

“Yes, I guess I have.” She rested her forehead against his cheek, smoothed her palm across his chest. “Thank you.”

He nodded, looking down into her face. “Are you hurt anywhere? Your fingers or toes...are they numb, can you move them?”

She brushed her fingertips across the line of his collarbone then sifted them through his hair, relishing the texture of the thick strands. She wiggled her toes then ran them up the back of his calf. “I’m okay, Ryan.”

He swallowed, looked away, then dropped his head forward, blocking her view of his eyes. But she could feel him respond to her touch as he grew thick between her thighs. Her heart tripped in her chest.

“It killed me to see you like that, lying there, covered in snow, nearly unconscious. I couldn’t stand for anything to happen to you, especially not because of some damn fight with me. I’m sorry I pushed. I shouldn’t—”

“No.” She shook her head. “I was angry…because I knew you were right. I...I’m sorry.”

Supported on one elbow at her side, he shook his head, staring at her with haunted eyes. “Don’t ever do that to me again.” His voice wavered when he spoke. “You don’t understand…. I couldn’t live with myself if…”

Her heart ached with guilt and gratitude. Cupping the side of his face, she whispered, “I’m okay.”

She brushed her thumb against his bottom lip, and he tensed against her.

“Beth, I shouldn’t—”

His words were cut short when she captured his mouth with her own. He pulled back, his eyes searching hers.

“Please,” she whispered. “I need you.” She sought his mouth again, and this time their lips parted. Tongues met and mated in a wet caress that sent heat spiraling through her body.

Ryan gripped her arms.

She was certain he would push her way, that he’d had enough of her indecision. But instead, he took control, devoured her, invaded her with his plundering tongue. He stroked her arms, her hips, her legs, every touch like a claim, a mark of ownership. She wanted it, wanted to be his, just for this time.

Ryan rolled forward and pressed her into the bed. He ran his hand from her shoulder, down her breast, over her belly and between her legs to slip two fingers deep inside of her. She clenched around him and rocked her hips to take more.

His thick fingers moved in and out as his thumb brushed back and forth over her erect clit. Her breath came in shallow pants, and her pussy pulsed with need, trickling her juices between her cheeks.

Through gritted teeth, he growled, “I can’t wait.”

“Please, take me,” she urged, desperate for him to be inside of her.

Leaning over the side of the bed, he pulled out a condom and, kneeling between her legs, rolled it over his thick cock.

His mouth came down, demanding entry into hers as he slid into the moist hold of her pussy. She opened wide to him, eager to take his tongue and cock as deeply as she could. She wanted him to invade her with his heat, melt the core of ice she’d maintained so long.