Page 10 of Frostbite

Caressing her palate with a soft sweep of his tongue, he shifted his hips and brushed her clit in a slow rub that sent goose bumps streaking across her superheated skin. A sheen of sweat covered them both, and their bodies moved together in a wet, sensual glide.

Heat pulsed through her, constricting her sheath around him as he drove in and out of her slick channel. Her fingers dug into the muscles of his shoulders, and her neck arched.

“Harder,” she pleaded.

He planted a hand at the wall above her head and cupped her ass with the other, deepening his invasion with every thrust. The sounds of their bodies meeting and parting, the wet suction of her inner walls as they hugged him with rhythmic pulls, punctuated by their breathless pants, filled the room.

His balls slapped against her faster, his pelvis brushed her clit harder with every stroke, until she was delirious with her need for release. With every thrust she cried out, clenching around him. With every pull, she dragged the air back into her lungs. At last he drove into her and held. Rocking back and forth over her trapped clit, he growled his command. “Come with me.”

Pleasure crashed through her with obliterating force and rushed to every point in her body, flooding her senses and drowning her restraint. She screamed his name, clinging desperately to him until his mouth again found hers and, hungrily, they swallowed each other’s pleasured cries.

They’d slept in each other’s arms, and waking to Ryan’s sensual exploration was pure bliss. Bethany couldn’t remember ever feeling so right, so good.

He gazed down at her and stroked a tangled curl behind her ear. “Do you think we should get up?”

Bethany sat forward, her muscles stiff and achy. “It’s probably a good idea.”

Pushing the covers back, she stood on wobbly legs, her senses shocked by the assault of cool air on her skin. But then Ryan was beside her, a towel tied around his waist, offering a plush, terrycloth robe. The strong arms that held it around her enveloped her in warm, dry comfort. Ryan’s embrace lasted a few seconds before he shifted, and suddenly, she was off the ground, her back supported by his one arm, her legs draped over the other. She started to protest being treated like an invalid. “Please, I can wa—”

“Be quiet, Beth.”

She snapped her mouth shut, conceding the

re were far worse things than being swept off her feet and carried princess style through the lodge. Like dying of exposure in a blizzard. Pinching her eyes shut, she tried to banish the thoughts of what might have happened if Ryan hadn’t been so driven to find her. If that gut of his—the one she always doubted—hadn’t come through. But it had; he had. Suddenly, she felt protected and secure in a way she couldn’t ever remember feeling before, and all she could do was snuggle into the strength of his arms.

Walking past the bedrooms, Ryan carried her into the lounge and gingerly set her in a chair close to the fireplace. Still wrapped in a towel, he hunched forward to arrange the kindling and start a fire.

Bethany tucked her feet under her and watched him. He never seemed at a loss for what to do. Each step followed the last without a break in the rhythm of his action, no matter the task. She admired his steady confidence and couldn’t help but feel shallow for labeling such a gift ego. Maybe she’d been jealous. Maybe it was lack of understanding on her part.

The muscles of his back flexed as he rocked back on his heels and the fire flared in the hearth. Maybe she hadn’t wanted to see him for what he truly was. Mind-blowingly sexy and staggeringly capable. Funny. Smart. Successful. He was everything a woman could want. She trusted him. This was right.

Ryan rose to his feet, rubbing his hands together. “Give me one minute, and I’ll be back with some clothes.”

“I’m fine. Take your time.”

He nodded and headed toward the bedrooms. When he returned, he was dressed in a pair of worn jeans and a pale blue oxford open halfway down his chest. He dropped a bundle of clothing and supplies at the side of the chair and began sorting through.

Bethany’s brows pulled together. “A blow dryer?”

“You need to get your head dry, and I want you to stay by the fire.”

“Ryan, I’m fine.”

He fixed her with a stare that all but screamed, “You nearly killed us both today.”

She decided it was best to humor him.

“Let’s get you into some warm clothes.”

Bethany pulled her feet from underneath her and stood, hesitant to relinquish the warmth of one cover for another.

“Take off the robe.”

She dropped the garment and stood naked before him. His gaze smoldered as it raked over her bare skin from toe to head, ending at her eyes.

“God, you’re beautiful.”