“Sure you can. We’re the exact same size. If it looks good on you, it’ll look good on me. I want to be a princess on my special day, so as long as it’s a ball gown, I’ll like it.”
Years ago when I envisioned my wedding, I pictured myself in a ball gown. A real Cinderella. Now, however, I’d like something a little more streamlined.
“I... Is Alec okay with me planning everything?”
“I haven’t had a chance to run it by him. Would you mind? I need to get packed and catch a flight.”
“I don’t think—”
“I just arrived home. I have to run.”
My God, what kind of marriage are they going to have?
One in name only.
“Gotta go. Thanks, Megs, you’re the best.”
I sit there, dumbfounded as the line goes dead. She seriously wants me to pick a wedding dress for her. The menu and other things I can understand, but a dress? That’s completely insane. I shake my head, and stare at my phone. How the heck is Alec going to feel about working closely with me. I haven’t talked to him, or set eyes on him in weeks. I take a deep fortifying breath, and shoot him a text.
Megan: Sara has to be away for a convention, and she asked that I work on the wedding plans with you.
I stare at my phone, watch three dots appear and then disappear. He must be writing and deleting, unsure of what to say. His response finally comes in.
Alec: What do you suggest?
Megan: I’ll need to meet with you to go over menu, guest list, etc. The sooner we get started the better. Do you want to come by my work, and we’ll put together a menu to start things off?
Alec: Four o’clock okay?
Megan: See you then.
I must be out of my mind. With no time to waste, I pick the phone back up and start making calls, to set things in motion, and before I know it, the day is almost over.
I glance up when I hear footsteps in the hall—heavy steps that can only be Alec’s. I smooth my hand over my hair after running stressed-out hands through it all day. I stand to greet him when he comes into view, his large frame eating up the doorway and completely overwhelming me. My mouth instantly goes dry. He does a quick sweep of my clothes, and in turn I look him over. Hair cut short, face clean-shaven, he looks handsome, composed...guarded.
Keep it together, Megan.
I give him a huge smile, and resist the urge to hurtle myself at him, and show him I’m the girl for him. But I won’t. Because I’m not. It’s over between us, and I need to remember that. “Have a seat,” I say, and gesture to the chair across from me, thinking about the last time he was in this office with me, and the limo drive we took later that night.
Dressed in a suit that showcases his broad shoulders and fit body, he smooths his hand over his tie.
I sit, and I’m about to make small talk when he gives a curt nod. “You wanted to talk to me about a menu?” he says, getting right down to business.
All righty, then.
“As you know, Amanda will be catering, and thank you for that, by the way. She’s thrilled.”
“Her food is amazing. I’ve been getting deliveries to my door for the last week.”
“She is amazing, and this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her.”
“For you, too,” he says, his blue eyes intense when they latch on to mine. “That’s why you agreed to this, right? Because of what it could do for your career?”
“I... Yes,” I say, but there is a part of me that’s not one hundred percent sure of that. Maybe it was the thought of seeing Alec again, getting a glimpse of the young boy I once knew, and always loved, that had me agreeing. “Yes,” I say again, not wanting him to think there were other reasons. He continues to stare at me, and I reach for the menu. What the hell is going on with h
“Here is Amanda’s menu. I’d suggest a beef, chicken and fish dish for the mains, and she does some lovely hors d’oeuvres to start the night.” I glance up, but he’s not looking at the menu, he’s looking at me. The intensity in his eyes sucks the oxygen from my lungs, and nerves flutter in my belly. I wipe my suddenly wet palms on my skirt.