Her eyes open one at a time, and a small smile that rocks my world forms on her face when she sees me.
“What time is it?” she asks, her voice hoarse.
“Early, before dawn. Here, I have your coffee ready.”
She sits up, and the blankets fall from her body, exposing her beautiful breasts. She doesn’t bother trying to cover up. Instead she reaches for the coffee and takes a sip. “Mmm, a girl could get used to this. Wait, why are you waking me up before dawn?”
“We’re going on an adventure.”
She groans. “Luca, I want to sleep.”
“Sleep is overrated. Come on.”
She takes another sip of coffee. “I hate morning people,” she says, and I laugh.
“I’ll let you sleep in tomorrow. We only have one week, and I want to make the most of it.”
“Are you going to make me spend every minute with you?”
“That’s kind of the plan. Like I said, I want you to see that you can spend more than one night with a guy. Prove it’s not so bad.” As I think about that, my stomach tightens. When it comes right down to it, I’m grooming her for another man. I might want her, but I can’t have her. Yet I want to see her find happiness in life. She groans and I run my finger over her pert nipple. “Has it been so bad, Brianna?”
“If you find a fork in your thigh by the end of the week, remember it’s no one’s fault but your own.” She grins at me and I laugh.
I pull the sheets off. “Come on, get dressed.” Although now that I’ve exposed her entire body, all I want to do is crawl back into that bed with her.
“Change of plans?” she asks and cocks her head, no doubt catching the lust in my eyes.
I adjust my thickening cock. “I think you’ll like what I have in mind.”
She taps the bed. “I usually do.”
I scrub my face and it takes every ounce of strength I have to turn from her. “Move it,” I say, and she grumbles as she climbs from the bed. “I boiled us some eggs, and I have protein bars for energy. We’ll have a real breakfast when we get there.”
“Get where, and why do we have to go so early?” she asks.
“Piz Nair sunrise. We’re going to bike up the mountain, watch the sunrise, then have breakfast.”
She gasps and I turn to face her. “Are you serious?” she asks.
“Yeah, I arranged it last night.”
“I haven’t done that since I was a kid.”
“Tate told me you loved it.”
Her eyes go wide. “You and Tate talked about me?”
Teasing her, I give a low whistle and shake my head. “The things I never knew about you.”
She grabs a pillow and throws it at me. “Liar. You don’t know anything about me.” She lifts her chin. “And I prefer to keep it that way.” With that she grabs her clothes, hurries to the bathroom and comes back after a few minutes, dressed and ready.
Thirty minutes later we’re at the meeting point and have been given our bikes and helmets. She tugs hers on and I help her clasp it.
“Maybe we should have taken the cable car. This is going to kill me,” she groans.
“Yeah. Me too.”
She gives me a look that suggests I’m dense. “Yeah, right, you’re in good shape.”