Page 21 of On Her Terms

I put one hand on her hip. “And I love your shape.” She looks down, fast. “What?” I ask.

“Nothing. We’d better get going if we want to see the sunrise.” She starts up the hill and I follow behind her. Up ahead there is another group on the go, and more bikers follow behind us. The air is cool this morning but soon enough we’re hot as we exert ourselves.

I breathe in the fresh mountain air, and it makes me think of home. Deep down I miss Italy, my family. I talked to Uncle Gio a couple of weeks ago, and he sounded tired. Running the family business is taking its toll on him, but he’s terrified of his son being at the helm one day. It might not be my thirtieth birthday yet, but I can’t stay away much longer. The last letter he sent me—he’s old-school like that—reminded me of the will and explained Marco’s latest antics. I’m needed back home. I told Gio about Tate’s wedding, and that I’d be making plans to return afterward—once I talk to Tate and clear my things from the office. Fuck, how is Tate going to take the news of my leaving his firm? I’d agreed to the job b

ecause I wanted to help him launch his practice, thinking there’d be time later to tell him it wasn’t permanent. My uncle urging me home early was unexpected, though.

Brianna stops up ahead and I slow my bike. She’s winded but she has a huge smile on her face. She moves to the side as a few bikers greet us and go past.

“I need to catch my breath,” she says. The enthusiasm on her face is adorable and I lean in and press my lips to hers. I give her a quick kiss and when I inch back, she quirks a brow. “What was that for?”

“For agreeing to go on this ride with me.”

She glances around and I follow her gaze. “I miss this place. I used to come here with Tate and Granddad all the time.”

“Was it just the three of you? You don’t have any other cousins? Tate only ever talked about you. He was anxious for us to meet, I think.”

She nods at that. “No, we have other cousins. Some of them are coming in later this week for the wedding. Most got tied down with work. It’s a wonder I made it so early. But Tate is the oldest, so he was closest to Granddad, and they both sort of took me under their wing. Of all the cousins, Tate and I are the closest. He’s like my brother.” She exhales a sigh. “I owe those two so much. I guess that’s why I jumped at the chance to make Granddad happy—as stupid as that was.” She glances around like she’s looking for a change of subject. “I’d forgotten how much I love it here.”

“Not quite the same as New York, is it?”

She laughs. “Not quite the same at all.” Contentment comes over her. “I wish I could live here. Or at least live closer.”

I take in the pink on her cheeks, the way her shoulders have relaxed slightly. “This place is good for you.”

“Why do you say that?”

I touch her shoulders. “Because these...” I begin, as my hands go to her ears. “Were here when you arrived.”

She nods. “You’re not wrong.” She sits back on her seat. “Come on, I’ll race you to the top,” she says and takes off fast.

I go after her. “What does the winner get?” I ask.

“Does there always have to be something in it for you?” she asks breathlessly as she stands up on her pedals.

“Always,” I say.

“What more could you want, Luca?” she asks, her breathing coming faster. “Since I arrived, you seem to be getting your way with everything.”

Gesù, there are so many things I want with her, things I can’t ever have.

“What do you want, Brianna?”

“I want to move out of your chalet and back into my hotel suite,” she says, but I’m not so sure I believe her.

“It’s on, and after I win I’ll tell you what I want,” I say and then pass her. She whacks me as I go, trying to push me off the bike, and I laugh when she scoffs at me. I glance at her over my shoulder. “Doing okay back there?”

“Oh, you’re so going to get it!” she yells.

“I’ll be sure there are no forks at our breakfast table,” I say and put a great deal of space between us. Although I do keep checking over my shoulder in case she needs me. She finally catches up with me, and she opens her mouth, likely to shout a few profanities, when I touch her shoulder and turn her. Her eyes go wide as night surrenders to morning and the first rays of sunlight creep over the mountaintops. It’s a spectacular view, enjoyed by many every summer here in St. Moritz, but I can’t seem to take my eyes off Brianna and the childlike enthusiasm on her face.

I tug her to me, and her hand goes to my stomach. Dozens of people are gasping around us, all enjoying the same view, but it feels very much like it’s just her and me right now, the two of us all alone at the top of the mountain, experiencing something unique together. She leans her head against me, and a gust of wind blows her hair. It tickles my face. I dip my head, kiss the top of hers and just hold her to me, wanting nothing more than to enjoy this week with her.

“Thank you,” she says quietly as the long rays touch the snowcapped peaks and dance on the evergreen trees. “I needed this.” I hug her tighter and we remain like that until daylight is fully upon us. She lifts her face to mine and smiles. “But please tell me I can sleep the afternoon away.”

I laugh. “You can go to bed, sure. But I can’t guarantee that you’re going to get any sleep.” Someone beside me chuckles, and Brianna’s eyes go wide. I glance at the guy and grin. “Recently engaged,” I say. “She’s so beautiful, I can’t keep my hands off her.” I turn back to Brianna, take in the almost confused look on her face. “No one can blame me for that, I’m sure.” I drop a soft kiss onto her mouth. “Come on, let’s go get breakfast. I’m starving.”

“Me too.”