Page 14 of The Rookie

“Yes, I’ve got everything,” he says. “And we’re only a boat ride away if we forgot something and have to return.”

“I’ve got lots of bug spray, and suntan lotion, and everything else you might need,” Charlie says, although I can’t for the life of me figure out where she’s storing it. She only has those two bags with her. “Have a seat.” She points to the wooden benches on either side of the boat. “I’ll get us out of here. Before I do, is there anyone you need to call, because once we’re out there and on Brier Island, you can forget all about reliable cell reception.”

“We called home already, and Sophie is having a blast with her aunt,” Jules says.

Charlie turns to me. “How about you, Wes? Anyone going to lose their mind if they don’t hear from you for a couple days?”

“Is this your way of trying to find out if I’m single?”

She rolls her eyes at me. “Oh please…”

“The answer is no, and yes. No one will miss me, and yes, I’m single.”

“I’m sure the whales will be happy to hear that, and they’ll likely find you far more charming than I do.” She gives me a sassy wink and spins. Rider laughs, and claps me on the back.

“You’ve got your work cut out for you, bud.”

I grin. I kind of like the chase, even though I shouldn’t be chasing her. “Isn’t that half the fun? And trust me, I know Jules gave you a run for your money.”

“That I did,” Jules says, and drops onto the bench seat as Charlie disappears inside the cabin to get us moving. Instead of sitting, I walk to the entrance of the cabin.

“Impressive,” I say, and Charlie glances at me over her shoulder.

“If you don’t sit and follow the rules while I’m piloting this boat, I’ll make you wear a life jacket.”

“Can I sit in here?” I ask, as I glance at the bench.

“Fine, as long as you don’t distract me. I need to get out to open water without running into any other vessels.”

She certainly doesn’t look like she’s having any trouble maneuvering away from the dock, but I sit, and the thing is, I kind of want to distract her. I like her attention. Juvenile, I know. “You’re pretty good at piloting this thing.”

“Been doing it for as long as I can remember.”

She increases the thrust and slowly turns the wheel. “You really are impressive.” She casts me a suspicious glance. “What?” I say with a laugh. “It’s a compliment. I don’t know many, or any, women who can do what you do.”

She goes quiet for a second, and I can’t help but think I’ve insulted her somehow. “Do you…” She gestures to the big wheel. “Want to try?”

Really? She’s going to trust me with her boat. “I would love to.”

“Let me just get us a little further out.”

I stare at her, take in the jut of her hip, unable to take my eyes off her as she effortlessly steers us into deeper water. It would be nice to see a whale. Jules really wants to, but I’d be happy to spend the day watching Charlie handle this craft like it’s an extension of herself.

“Who taught you how to pilot this thing?” I ask.

She smiles and I sense I’ve hit on a happier subject. “My grandfather did. He grew up on the boats. Like my mom, the sea was in his soul.”

“It’s in yours, too, isn’t it?”

Her smile falls fast and I swear she’s giving me whiplash. But what did I say to upset her?

“I had a couple of job interviews in Toronto,” she blurts out and then groans like she’s wondering why she’s sharing that with me.

“Oh yeah.”

She rubs her hand along the steering wheel, a loving gentle touch, and my cock twitches, aching to be caressed just like that—by her. “My sister will take over the tours.”

“Sounds like you’ll miss it.”